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Showing posts from October, 2016

Acting Workshop from Chimera Theatre

Mr. Andrew Cooper came by to give us some tip on creating our play.
Math Fun a few weeks ago! Learning BEDMAS


Hi Everyone, I have not assigned any homework this weekend. Students have just finished a number of big projects and we are just starting our new ones. I will be encouraging students to practice their math for our up coming unit test on decimals next Friday. I did not send home the blue folders either. We will not have any homework on Monday, as it is Halloween. We will be back to our regular routines on Tuesday. Have a great weekend!

October 24

Homework: Socials Project is due tomorrow! This is the Mesopotamia project. Vocabulary - Current Events - A local problem. This week students will be looking for a news story that is local to our community. Our class is looking for a problem or an issue of concern. 5 Ws (Who, What, When, Where, Why)

October 20

Homework: 1. Finish Lap book Nervous System Science project. This is due on MONDAY!!! Late projects will be completed over lunch hour. 2. Mesopotamia project is due TUESDAY. 3. Summary in writing is Tuesday. No school tomorrow! Have a great weekend!

October 19

Homework: Decimal Quiz - October 20 Lab Book - Final Due Date is moved to Monday. Those not finished will be in at lunch to finish.  Vocabulary Quiz - Corp Words. Worksheet for three of the words is due Thursday. Mesopotamia Project is due Tuesday  Other: 1. Eagle Bay deposit are now due. This deposit is $40 and secures your spot. 2. No School Friday 3. Valleyview Basketball Camp Nov. 5 - $15 and the form went home today.

October 18

Homework: Decimal Quiz Thursday (multiply, divide, add, subtract) Nervous System Lab Book project is due Thursday. Mesopotamia Project is Due Tuesday, October 25. Vocabulary - Corp words are Thursday. Other: 1. Grade 7s - Eagle Bay deposit of $40.00 2. No School Friday

October 17

Homework: Vocabulary - Corp Words, meaning body. Math Quiz on Decimals - Thursday Science Projects - Lap Book is due Thursday Mesopotamia Project is due next Tuesday. Other: No School on Friday Eagle Bay deposit for grade 7s ($40)

October 6

Homework: 1. Weekly Review #4 2. New Vocabulary - We are working on the Latin Root "Acu" meaning smart. 3. Math 3.3/3.4 4. Paragraph 4 - Human paragraph 5. Science Project- Nervous System Lap book. Handout given to students Other: 1. Pictures are due Tuesday 2. Gr.7 Hoody Order form is due Tuesday 3. Parent Teacher Interviews - October 12 and 13. Super Student this week was Christopher with an honorable mention going to Zachery! Winning Table this week was Table 3! Students sporting our Brains! M rs. Ross was in this week to help with our new student websites! Each student will keep a personal website with their work this term. We will have a showcase evening at the end of the term!

October 6

Homework: 1. Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow -"Fin" - Meaning End 2. Unit Test in Math 3. Home Reading 4. Shark paragraph - good copy Other: 1. Hot Lunch tomorrow! 2. Bring Ice Cream buckets for Ms. Fletcher!

October 5

Homework: 1. Vocabulary Quiz Friday 2. Math Unit test - Friday 3. Shark paragraph - New write as well as original paragraph must be handed in 4. Current Events - Thursday. Please use the new worksheet. 5. Reading 4 times per week Other: 1. Parent Teacher Interviews - Early Dismissal on October 12 and 13. 2. Leadership Applications are Due October 14 3. Hot Lunch is Friday - New orders are due then also.
Homework: 1. Math 3.2 / Unit Test / Math Journal is Due Friday for assessment 2. Home Reading - Students will find a hook that they found interesting in their reading this week. 3. Shark Paragraph is due Friday 4. Current Events is Due Thursday 5. Vocabulary Quiz is Friday We are currently working on a Science project and a project for Mesopotamia. These are not homework but are apart of our new project based learning assignment.  Other: 1. Parent Teacher interviews next week. Make sure you sign up for a time. When parents come, I would like them to bring their child's blue weekly folder, their self assessment for effort, and their intern report. These forms will be available Monday. 2. Tutoring will happen tomorrow at lunch