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Showing posts from October, 2017

October 26

Homework: 1. Socials Test- on Ancient Rome - Tuesday, Oct. 31. 2. French Haunted House - Due Monday Oct. 30 3. Science - Invention - Due Nov. 1st 4. Math Gr 7s - Neslon 3.6/3.7 online questions due tomorrow. Unit Test on Decimals is Nov. 4th There is no language arts / vocabulary this week. Other: 1. Halloween Dance Tuesday 2. Outbreak Game tomorrow 3. Book Fair is Weds - Friday next week.

Agendas: Wednesday, October 25

1. Socials Ancient Rome test - Tues Oct 31 2. Science Invention - Wedn Nov 1 3. French - la maison hantee - Mon Oct 30 4. 6's - math test sent home toda     7's - section 3.6 5. Halloween Dance - Tuesday at lunch ($2 or a non-perishable food bank donation) 6. Socktober 7. YPC - Concert #1 - next Thursday morning

Agendas: Tuesday, Oct 24

1. Skates, helmet, mittens and (optional) hockey stick - tomorrow 2. Socials test - Tuesday, Oct. 31 3. Science invention - Wednesday, Nov. 1 4. French - la maison hantee - Monday, Oct 30 5. 6's - no math homework, 7's - section 3.4 6.

Agendas: Monday, October 23

1. Skating Wednesday - Bring SKATES, HELMET, MITTENS, hockey stick (optional) 2. Begin to review for socials test next week 3. Science Invention - November 1st 4. French - Maison Hantee - Monday, October 30 5. Math Gr 6's test tomorrow - Gr 7's lesson 3.4 6. YPC - return forms if you haven't already (first concert Thurs. Nov 2nd) 7. Vocab test tomorrow, literature booklet due tomorrow

October 19

Homework: 1. Literature Booklet #4 is due Tuesday at the end of the day. 2. Paragraph on "An Ideal Vacation." is due Tuesday at the end of the day. 3. Math 7 -3.3 questions 4. Math 6 - Math Test is on Integers, Prime, Composite Numbers 5. French Test and Haunted house . Test is next week and the House is on the 31st. 6. Science Extreme weather invention project is due Nov 1st. 7. Speech is October 27. 8. Upcoming socials test on Tuesday/ Wednesday of next week. Rome Other: 1. Skating is Wednesday, please bring your skates and helmet. 2. YPC forms are due back. 3. No school tomorrow !

Agendas: Wednesday, October 18

1. Interim sent home today 2. School Photos - sent home today 2. YPC permisson form - ASAP 5. Haunted House - French - Oct 31 6. Science Invention - Nov 1 7. Early Dismissal tomorrow at 12:30 8. No School Friday - Pro D Day 9. Literature booklets - Monday the 23rd 10. Spelling Test Thursday 11. School Photo Retakes next Wednesday October 25

Agendas: Tuesday, October 17

1. Skating permission form and money 2. YPC permisson form - ASAP 3. School clothing order form sent home today 4. Milk order form sent home today 5. Haunted House - French - Oct 31 6. Science Invention - Nov 1 7. Early Dismissal this Thursday at 12:30 8. No School Friday - Pro D Day 9. Literature booklets - Monday the 23rd 10. Spelling Test Thursday

Agendas: October 16

1. No School Friday 2. Early dismissal at 12:30 Thursday 3. French sheet - la maison hantee - demain (tomorrow) 4. Gr 7 Math - Nelson website 5. Literature Book - Thursday 6. Spelling Test - Thursday 7. SKATING FORMS AND $3 - ASAP

October 13

Homework: 1. Math (7s) - 3.2 and Weekly Reveiw #3 due Monday. 2. Math 6s - Pg 23 if not finished. Due Monday 3. Newsela - Cell phone summary is overdue. 4. Crib Board - Due Nov. 1 5. Speech #1 - New Technology / Scientific Discovery is on October 27. Other: 1. Oct 19th is Parent Teacher Interviews. Please sign up through the link I emailed out if you have not done so already. Half day of school. Students done at lunch time. 2. Oct 20 is Pro-D - No school

October 12

Homework: 1. Newsela Summary is due tomorrow. You must have 3 column notes as well as your typed paragraph. 2. Math project is due on Oct 26th 3. Socials - Practice Roman Numerals 4. Roman Questions are overdue 5. Vocabulary words "Cred" Other: 1. Parent/Teacher Interviews are October 19th from 1-4pm

October 10

Homework: 1. Study Roman Numerals for 10 min 2. Socials Rome Questions - due Thursday 3. Hacky Sacks are Overdue! 4. Vocabulary - Cred words 5. LA paragraph - due Friday Other: 1. Parent/Teacher Interviews - Oct. 19th. Class ends at 12:00

October 5

Homework: 1. Vocabulary Quiz on "Corp" words tomorrow. 2. Literature Booklet #3 is due tomorrow. 3. Math Test Tuesday for the grade 7s. 4. Math for 6s is to finish the first page of their booklet. 5. Socials - Ancient Rome questions Other: 1. No school Monday - It's a holiday. 2. Volleyball Tier 1 Girls need to get their permission form in.

Oct 4

1. Hacky Sacks are due Tuesday, October 10 2. Ancient Rome Daily Life summary - now overdue 3. Ancient Rome Questions - due Tuesday, October 10 4. Math 7's - 1.6 due tomorrow, unit test Friday 5. Math 6's - no homework 6. Language Arts - booklet #3 due Friday 7. Spelling Test - Friday 8. No School Monday - Thanksgiving

Oct 3

1. Hacky Sacks are due Tuesday, October 10 2. Ancient Rome Daily Life summary - due tomorrow, October 4 3. Ancient Rome Questions - ongoing - no due date set yet 4. Math 7's - 1.6 due tomorrow, unit test Friday 5. Math 6's - no homework 6. Language Arts - booklet #3 due Friday 7. Spelling Test - Friday 8. No School Monday - Thanksgiving