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Showing posts from 2018

June 21

Homework: 1. Landscape art for our collaborative write Other: 1. Tomorrow is our Pine Ridge Golf Day. Please bring a hat, water, sun screen and clubs if you have them. They can be dropped off ahead of time if needed. Lunch is provided. Also, for the afternoon please bring in a board game if you can. 2. Sphero Golf project is overdue 3. Aboriginal Day for Grade 6s is June 26th 4. Grade 7 Waterslide trip is June 26th 5. Pictures of childhood for Gr7s to Mr. Schmidt
June 19, 2018 Grade 7 BBQ Wednesday Newspaper due Wednesday Golf Friday Sphero Golf due Thursday Vernon Waterslides for Gr. 7's Tuesday, June 26 Have a good day!

June 14

Homework: 1. POLs for those who did not go today. I was soooo proud of how well they did today! Thank you to those parents who came to watch. I know a number of you booked time off of work! 2. Sphero Golf will take place June 21st. Other: 1. Spirit Assemblies tomorrow 2. Fun Day afternoon. Grade 6s please wear the colours of your group. Gr.7s wear Dallas wear if possible. Your hoodies would count. 3. Hot Lunch tomorrow
June 13, 2018 Presentation of Learning Thursday, June 14 Spirit Week! Thursday is Crazy Hair Day! Library books due back Friday FunDay is Friday
June 12, 2018 Gr. 7 Year end Math test Wednesday, June 13 Culture's project presentation Wednesday, June 13 Presentation of Learning Thursday, June 14 Spirit Week! Wear Dallas colors Gr. 6 pg. 16 #1-2 Twin Day June 13
June 11, 2018 Gr. 7 Year End Math Test, Wednesday Culture's Project Presentation, Wednesday Presentation of Learning, Thursday Library books due back Friday, June 15 Spirit Week! Wear Dallas colors

June 8

Homework: 1. POL is June 14 2. Sphero Golf Course is June 20 3. Math 6 - pg 10/11 4. Math 7 - practice sheet has gone home. Nelson Focus website for extra help. Year end test is June 13. 5. Culture Project Other: 1. Pineridge Golf = June 22 2. Aboriginal Day = June 26 3. Spirit Week is next week:       - Monday is Water balloon Catch       - Tuesday is Water Relay       - Wednesday is Twin day and Lego Creation day       - Thursday is Crazy Hair       - Friday is Spirit Assembly and Fun Day

June 7

Homework: 1. Presentation of Learning - June 14 2. Literature Booklet #2 3. Sphero Golf Assignment - June 20 3. Culture Assignment 4. French Brochure is overdue 5. Math 7 - Weekly Review #18 is due Friday and Year end math test is June 13 Other 1. No Hot Lunch tomorrow 2. Spirit Week is next week and will end with Fun Day on Friday afternoon 3. June 22 Golf Field Trip 4. Grade 7 Water slides/ Grade 6 Aboriginal Day - June 26 Have a great Day!
June 6, 2018 French Brochure project due 8:30am Thursday Literature booklet Friday Presentation of Learning  presented on the 14th Gr. 7 Math Test June 13 Weekly Math review Ice Cream/Bake Sale Thursday, $2 for a treat
June 5, 2018 French Brochure Project due June 6 @2:30pm Gr.7 Valleyview trip June 6 Presentation of Learning Gr. 7 year end Math Test June 13. Math weekly review due Friday (Gr. 7) Literature booklet Social Studies culture project presentation Wed., June 13

June 1

Homework: 1. Presentations of Learning are June 14 in the library. Parents/Family are welcome to attend. 2. Math 7 - Linear Equation questions are due Tuesday. WR#18 is due June 8. Linear Equations Test is June 8. Final year end test is June 13. 3. French Brochure is due Weds. 4. Science sheets are overdue. 5. Culture Project is ongoing 6. LA - Literature booklet is overdue. Students are now working on a second assignment due next Friday. Other: 1. Sunnybrae Field Trip - Monday. Come prepared for the weather. Students will be picked up at 4pm from the school.

May 31

Homework: 1. Year End Math Test for Gr. 7s is June 13 2. Gr. 6 Math have at test tomorrow 3. POL is June 12. 4. French brochure is June 6 5. Literature Booklets are now overdue 6. Socials Culture project - continue working on 7. Science worksheet and questions are overdue Other: 1. Sunnybrae is Monday: Parents must be able to pick up from the school at 4pm 2. Valley View trip for Gr.7s is June 7 3. Golf is June 22 4. Water slides and Marion Schilling on June 27 5. Hot Lunch tomorrow
May 30, 2018 French Project due Wednesday, June 6 Literacy booklet Grade 7 Math test June 13 Grade 6 Math test June 1 Social Studies Culture project finish all lessons up to beginner review #1 for June 6 Presentation of Learning
May 28, 2018 Grade 7 year end math test Tuesday, June 5 Literature book Punctuation booklet (? , !) Grade 6 pg. 32 for Math Yearbook forms due Tuesday
May 25, 2018 French: Questions #1-15, due Monday to Mr. Whitelaw Math: Gr. 6 Chapter 4 test Friday, June 1 Presentation of Learning Literacy Booklets due Wednesday Yearbook forms due Monday

MAY 24

Agenda: Math 7- none Math 6- none POL speech- June 7 Language arts booklet due next week Comma sheet due date upcoming Punctuation sheet due date upcoming Sunny Brae permission forms are OVERDUE!!!
May 23, 2018 Bring a rock to school for Friday! Take home a plant & replant it Poetry-Overdue Literature books Permission forms: Sunnybrae
May 22, 2018 Sunnybrae permission forms Presentation of learning Math Grade 6: pg. 29 Math Grade 7: 9.5 Newsella paragraph due May 23

May 15

Homework: 1. Gr.7 Math 9.3 and 9.2 on Math Focus Online 2. Poetry Projects are due Thursday 3. Planning for Presentations of learning - June 8th 4. Socials - Culture Project 5. French booklet Other: 1. Paul Lake tomorrow - Please come prepared with proper clothing, sunscreen, bug spray (if desired), and lots of water. 2. Various field trips forms need to be returned. 3. No school on Friday or Monday
May 14, 2018 Math 6: Census, ask your parents about it. Pg. 27 Math 7: Pg. 9.1 & 9.2 Poetry Thursday Paul Lake fishing form Presentation of learning speech Gr. 7 Vernon water slide forms Sunnybrae money & form

May 11

Homework: 1. Math 6 project is overdue 2. Socials - Culture Project 3. June Presentation of Learning. Begin to collect items to showcase your learning and growth. 4. Poetry notebook and project is due next Friday. Other: 1. Please bring a baseball glove, helmet, or softball if you have one. Monday 2. Learn to Fish is May 16 3. Valley View Visit is June 6 for Gr. 7s 4. Golf is June 22 at Pine Ridge 5. Social Tests went home Have a great weekend!

May 10

Homework: 1. Poetry Project is due next Friday 2. Math 6 project is due tomorrow 3. Socials Culture Projects 4. Begin to Reflect on your Learning for your Presentations of Learning. This is your last and final speech. Other: 1. Learn to Fish - May 16. 2. Sunnybrae permission forms

May 7

Homework: 1. Poetry - Diamante (Haikus, Tankas, Couplets, Acrostics are overdue) 2. Math 7 Cartesian Plane presentations take place tomorrow. 3. Social Studies Maps are well overdue Other: 1. Track and Field is Thursday 2. YPC is Thursday Have a great day

May 4

Homework: Bring back permission form back for learn to fish Math 7's finish stop motion picture Due Monday Math 6's have city map social OVERDUE Other: zones next Thursday May the 4th be with you!

May 3

Homework: 1. Language Arts you need to finish your Cinquians. 2. Splinkachu is overdue 3. Social Studies - Maps are overdue 4. Math 6 - pg 280 - 281. Pg 69 in Math booklet.\ 5. Math 7 - Cartesian Plane Stop Motion Video is due Monday. Other: 1. Hot Lunch 2. Bring in gloves and shovels to finish our planting. 3. Zones Track and field is next Thursday. Forms are past due 4. Learn to Fish forms are due tomorrow 5. Bring in a baseball glove and ball for our baseball unit starting Monday. Only if you have one you can bring in.

May 2, 2018

1. Math 6- 1-12 not 10 homework page 69 due friday 2. math 7- nothing 3. Paul lake may 16- bring sunscreen hat etc. 4. Social Studies Map other: 1. parloff today after school and teacher race tommorrow at lunch 2. have a great day!!

May 1, 2018

1. splinkacho due tommorow 2. paul lake form Due May 4 please bring back asap 3.math 6 pg 67 text book 280 281 4. socials Due tomorrow Other parlof tomorrow here at dallas!! good luck to the flag football players! Have a epic day!! 

April 30

Homework: 1. Math 6 - pg 66 2. English - Tanka poems need to be finished Other: 1. Parloff is Wednesday at Dallas after school 2. Parloff teacher race is this Thursday 3. Class pictures are tomorrow 4. Flag football game tomorrow Have a good day!

April 27

Homework: 1. Zero waste web quest 2. Debates have been moved to Monday 3. Math 7 - 7.3/7.4 due Monday 4. Slinkachu - Photos of your character sent to Mangell's gedu. 5. Newsela Sustainability - Article due Tuesday Other: 1. Heart and Stroke - fundraiser Have a good day!

April 24

Homework: 1. Splinkachu Sustainability art assignment and write up is due Friday 2. Debates will happen Friday. Students need to be prepared. Other: 1. Track Day is this Thursday. Students need to be prepared for the weather. Parent help is still welcome! 2. Parloff teams are at TCC tomorrow 3. Empty pop bottles and milk jugs are needed. 4. Friday we need gardening tools Have a good day!

April 20

Homework: 1. Splinkachu art planning template. Due Tuesday 2. Math 7 - Statistics Test Tuesday 3. Debate planning - Debates are April 27th 4. Landfill notes - Overdue Other: 1. No School Monday 2. Parloff Wednesday at McGowan 3. Bring in 2L bottles, garden gloves, hand shovels, K cups, egg cartons

April 19

Homework: 1. Debates: Planning 2. Landfill 3 Column notes are overdue. 3. Math 7 - Statistics Test is moved to Tuesday.4. Other: 1. No School Monday 2. Hot Lunch tomorrow 3. Jump Rope for Heart pledge forms have gone home. 4. Parloff is Wednesday

April 16

Homework: 1. Math 7 - Statistic Quiz Friday. 7.2 is due tomorrow 2. Math 6 - textbook assignment is due tomorrow 3. Debate occurs on April 27th. Topics have been chosen and teams have been assigned. Other: 1. Fresh is Best Fundraiser went home today Have a good day!

April 13

Homework: 1. Socials Test Monday Have a great weekend! Other: Mr. Conroy will be missed as he heads to Aberdeen Elementary school to assume the role as Vice Principal. Mr. Reed will be taking over his position on Monday. This means that there will be a new teacher in for Monday - Wednesday afternoons. As soon as we have more information it will be sent home to you. Thank you, Andrea Mangell

April 10

Homework: 1. Social Studies test Monday - Ancient Greece 2. Math 7 - Weekly review 17 3. Other: 1. YPC - Tomorrow 2. Track and Field Rotations tomorrow - be prepared for the weather 3. Hot Lunch  Friday Have a great day!

Agendas: Tuesday, April 10

1. Socials test - Monday, April 16 - outline given today 2. Math 7's - weekly review, section 8.6 3. Brock and Arthur Hatton field trip tomorrow 4. YPC - Thursday morning 5. Track and Field rotations - Thursday afternoon 6. Hot lunch Friday if you ordered. 7. Have a good day

Agendas: Monday, April 9

1. Socials test - next Monday, April 16 2. French - ER verb quiz - tomorrow 3. English - Free Verse poetry in class tomorrow 4. Math 7's - section 8.5 5. Brock / Arthur Hatton Field Trip - Wednesday 6. YPC Thursday morning 7. Track and Field stations Thursday afternoon 8. Have a great day

April 6

Homework: 1. French Test Tuesday 2. Grade 6 and 7s have math tests going home today. 3. Career assignment went home today 4. Review Socials - ancient Greek gods. Other: 1. Brock permission forms 2. Remaining envelops from report cards are overdue

April 5

Homework: 1. French test next Tuesday 2. Math 6 - test home Friday 3. Math 7 - Test home today 4. Career assignment home today 5. Start reviewing socials Other: 1. Brock Field Trip forms need to be returned

Agendas: Wednesday, April 4

1. Begin to review socials Ancient Greek info 2. French - ER verb quiz next Tuesday 3. Math 7's - section 8.1 4. Return report card envelopes ASAP 5. Return walking field trip permission forms 6. Return Brock/Arthur Hatton field trip forms ASAP 7. Bring outdoor gear Thursday for start of Track and Field 8. Have a great night

Agendas: Tuesday, April 3

1. Begin to review socials Ancient Greek info 2. French - ER verb quiz next Tuesday 3. English - Limerick poem due tomorrow 4. Math 6's test tomorrow     Math 7's - no homework 5. Return report card envelopes ASAP 6. Return walking field trip permission forms 7. Return Brock/Arthur Hatton field trip forms ASAP 8. Bring outdoor gear Thursday for start of Track and Field 9.

March 29

Homework: 1. Math 7 - Measurement Test Tuesday. 8.3/8.4 due Tuesday 2. Math 6 - Unit test Ch 5 3. PBL - Diversity Unit presentations on April 5th: Parents/Guardians/family are welcome to attend. This will occur from 10:15 ish - 12:00. Other: 1. Report Card envelopes due back 2. No school Friday and Monday

Agendas: Wednesday, March 28

1. Return outdoor permission form - ASAP 2. ADST - 3 stocks and symbols 3. Socials - Gods/Goddesses is now overdue 4. Speeches - being presented tomorrow 5. Math 8.3 and 8.4 for Grade 7's, test Tuesday     Math Test - study for Grade 6's 6. PBL - April 5th 7. Be prepared for outdoor fitness tomorrow morning 8. No School Friday and Monday 9. Return report card envelopes if you haven't already

Agendas: Tuesday, March 27

1. Socials infosheet - due tomorrow 2. Math 7's test next Tuesday, 8.2 tomorrow 3. March Speeches are being presented Thursday 4. English - come up with topic for diamante poem for tomorrow 5. PBL - April 5th 6. Grade 7's - bring back Purdy's money by tomorrow (to the office) 7. No school Friday or Monday 8. Report card envelopes signed and returned as soon as possible

Agendas: Monday, March 26

1. Ancient Greek Gods/Goddesses half sheet - due Wednesday at 2:30 2. March speeches are being presented on Thursday 3. Math 7's test next Tuesday - measurement 4. PBL - April 5th 5. No school Friday of this week and Monday next week 6. Have a good night

March 16

Homework: 1. Career volunteer assignment is overdue. 2. ADST - Business plan is overdue. 3. March speech is March 29 4. PBL - Diversity Proposal is presented April 5 5. Art - Circle of Courage Rough draft Other: 1. Spring Break is next week. 2. Good Friday is March 30 and there is a four day weekend.

March 15

Homework: 1. Career - Due now. Volunteer Assignment 2. ADST - is overdue. Business plan 3. March speech is on the 29. 4. PBL - Proposal and Presentation is due on April 5 5. Art - Rough copy of Circle of Courage. News paper clippings to describe yourself in each area Other: 1. Swimming is tommorow 2. Term 2 Report Cards go home tomorrow 3. Hot Lunch tomorrow 4. Spring Break is next week. Have a good day

March 9

Homework: 1. ADST slides 1-7 2. Career: Digital Poster 3. PBL - Persuasive writing worsheets Monday 4. Art - Circle of Courage planning due Tuesday 5. Gr.7s - Area of a Circle assignment 6. March Speech - March 29 Other: 1. Swimming March 16 2. V.V. Parent night March 13 - Gr.7s 3. Gr.7s - chocolate boxes went home today. Students are to sell each chocolate bar for $2.00. The money and boxes are due back after spring break. 4. Report Cards are March 16 Have A Great Weekend.

March 9

Homework: 1. ADST slides 1-7 2. March Speech - March 29 3. Career Assignment - March 15 4. PBL proposal presentation - April 5 Other: 1. Hot Lunch 2. Swimming is March 16

Agendas: Wednesday, March 7

1. Brock field trip tomorrow 2. Career assignment due March 15 3. March speech on the 29th 4. ADST Business project Slides 1-7 due Monday 5. Swimming March 16th 6. Grade 7's - Valleyview Form - returned to office ASAP 7. Grade 7's Valleyview parent meeting - Tuesday, March 13 at Valleyview Secondary 8. Term 2 Report Cards being sent home March 16th 9. Young Artists (optional) due tomorrow 10. Have a good day

March 6

Homework: 1. ADST Business Name: Due tomorrow 2. Social - Venn Diagram due tomorrow 3. Integer test Gr.7s due tomorrow. 4. Career - Poster for Volunteer agency due March 15 5. Proposal is due April 5. 6. March Speech is March 29 Other: 1. Forms for Brock trip must be returned tomorrow 2. Swimming is March 16 3. Report Cards come home March 16 4. Parent Meeting is March 13th at 7:00pm for Gr.7 parents whose children are attending Valleyview next year. 5. Valleyview course planning will take place this Wednesday afternoon.

March 2

Homework: 1. Career Planning sheet is now overdue. Lucid press poster is due March 14th 2. PBL - Diversity Proposal is due March 12th 3. March Speech is on the 29th 4. ADST - Business Name and Problem is due Weds March 7 5. French Test - March 6 Other: 1. McQueen Lake field trip is Monday. Please come with proper outside clothing. 2. Brock Digital media safety presentation is Thursday. 3. March 16th is swimming. 4. Grade 7 Flag football tryout after school Monday 5. Report Cards come home on the 16th. This is the last day of school until after spring break. Please make sure you have all of your forms signed and in! Have a good Day!

March 1st

Homework: 1. Math 7 - Area of a Parallelogram assignment. Math test is returned 2. Math 6 - Math test is returned tomorrow 3. French Quiz is March 6 4. ADST - Business name and why problem 5. Career - Volunteer Digital Poster planning sheet is due tomorrow. 6. Socials - Venn Diagram is overdue. Other: 1. Pizza Party tomorrow! 2. Monday is McQueen Lake - Come dressed for the weather. 3. Brock Field Trip form due tomorrow. Field trip is March 8 Have a good day!

Agendas: Monday, February 26

1. Socials - City State Venn Diagram due Wednesday 2. French Quiz - Tuesday March 6 - outline sent home today 3. Science - Review Newton's 1st Law 4. Math 6's test Wednesday     Math 7's test Wednesday - test yourself due tomorrow 5.  English Lapbook - ongoing 6. Career - Volunteer activity ongoing 7. McQueen Lake - next Monday - March 5th

Agendas: Tuesday, February 20

1. Skating TOMORROW - bring skates, helmet, jacket and mitts, (hockey stick optional) 2. No School Thursday and Friday 3. ADST Logo Redesign - Monday 26th at the latest 4. English - Lapbook - ongoing 5. Return McQueen Lake form ASAP - field trip is March 5th 6. Career - digital poster - ongoing 7. Have a wonderful night.

Agendas: Monday, February 19

1. Skating Wednesday - bring skates, helmet, stick (optional), jacket and mitts 2. Return McQueen Lake permission form 3. No school Thursday and Friday (Pro D Days) 4. Math 7's, section 6.5 and 6.6 due tomorrow 5. Bake Sale tomorrow - items are $1 or $2 6. Anti Bullying Day Wednesday - wear pink if you like 7. ADST Logo is due next Monday, Feb. 26 at the very latest 8. Have a great day.

Feb. 15

Homework: 1. Circle of Courage Reflection is due tomorrow. 2. ADST Logo - due Feb. 26 Other: 1. Skating is Feb. 21 2. Swimming is March 16 3. McQueen Lake is March 5 4. No school on Feb. 22/23 5. Hot Lunch tomorrow Have a good day!

Feb. 9

Homework: 1. Circle of Courage Reflection Paragraph - due Feb.15 2. Speech - Class Competition is Tuesday 3. Heritage Stamp is now overdue 4. ADST - Rough copy - ongoing Have a wonderful weekened

Feb. 8

Homework: 1. Rotary Speech - Classroom speech is Feb.13. School competition is Feb. 15 2. S.S - Heritage project is now due 3. Math 7 - Probability project is overdue. Assignment 6.1/6.2 is due tomorrow. Other: 1. Interm - signed slips are due back. 2. Swimming Permission forms are due 3. Skating permission forms are due. 4 Hot Lunch is tomorrow 5 student  birthday tomorrow! Have a great day!

Agendas: Tuesday, February 6

1. Heritage Stamp artwork due Thursday 2. Brainstorm what the word "logo" means to you 3. Review French numbers 40-79 4. Return permission forms and $3 ASAP - skating and swimming 5. YPC Thursday 6. Rotary Speeches Feb. 13 7. Family Day holiday - No school Monday Feb. 12 8. Have a good day

Agendas: Monday, February 5

1. Math Probability Project - due tomorrow 2. Return TWO permission forms and $3 (to cover the bus for skating) 3. Science quiz tomorrow Chapter 6 terms on page 118 4. YPC Thursday 5. Socials Heritage Stamp art - due Thursday of this week 6. Have a good day

Feb. 2

Homework: 1. Circle of Courage continued. Article and Worksheet due Monday. 2. World Changer paragraph is overdue 3. Maze is overdue for ADST 4. Gr7s. Math Probability project - ongoing 5. Gr6s. Math Test - Tuesday 6. Science Test - Tuesday on Electricity 7. S.S Heritage Stamp picture is due Feb. 8 8. Rotary Speech is Feb. 13 Other: 1. YPC is Febuary 8th 2. Interms will come home next week Have A Good Day!

Feb. 1

Homework: 1. Circle of Courage: Finish reading article and complete worksheet 2. Rotary Speech is Feb. 13 in our class. 3. Change Maker paragraph is due on Friday 4.15 - Sentence Builders are overdue 5. Marble Maze is due 6. Socials - Heritage Stamp picture is due Feb. 8

Jan. 29

Homework: 1. Heritage Stamp - Due Feb.8 2. ADST Maze - due Weds at the end of the day 3. Math 7 - Probability Quiz tomorrow.                 - 10.5 and WR #14 Other: 1. YPC - next Thursday 2. Tier 1 and 2 Boys Basketball Game Have a good Day!

Jan. 26

Homework: 1. French Quiz Monday 2. Sentence Building - due Weds 3. Math 7s Probability quiz - Tuesday 4. ADST -Marble Maze - due Wednesday 5. Heritage Stamp is now overdue 6. Speech is Feb. 13 Have a great weekend!


Homework: 1. Learning Paragraph is due Friday at the end of the day. 2. Sentence Building is due Wednesday next week. 3. Rotary Speech is Feb. 13 4. ADST marble maze is due Jan. 31/Weds 5. French Quiz -Winter Carnival 6. Heritage Stamp paragraph is due tomorrow. Other: 1. Hot Dog Day tomorrow Have a great day!

Agendas: Wednesday, January 24

1. Heritage Stamp paragraph - printed by Friday 2. Study for French quiz on Monday of next week 3. English - paragraphs for tomorrow 4. Math 7's - Online math 10.2     Math 6's - nothing 5. ADST - mazes are due 2:30 PM Wednesday January 31st 6. Have a great day!

Agendas: Tuesday, January 23

1. Math 7's - 10.1 and 10.2 worksheet due tomorrow               6's - nothing 2. English - paragraph on learning styles - due Friday of this week 3. Heritage Stamp - printed good copy due Friday of this week to Mr. Reed's green folder 4. French Quiz - Carnaval de Quebec - Monday Jan 29 5. Speeches - Rotary - Feb 13 6. Ch 5 Science Quiz was returned today. Out of 17 marks. 7. ADST Maze Design - due by lunch tomorrow 8. Unplug and Play Week - decrease electronics use 9. Have a fantastic night

Agendas: Monday, January 22

1. Building Better Sentences - Thursday 2. English - Paragraph - Thursday 3. Socials - Heritage Stamp written piece - due Friday 4. ADST - Maze Design due by Wednesday at lunch 5. French - study for quiz next Monday, Jan. 29 6. Math 6's - page 70 estimating products, due tomorrow     Math 6's - got probability test back today     Math 7's - N/A 7. Have a great day!

Jan. 19

Homework: 1. Socials Paragraph - Heritage Stamp is due next Friday 2. French Questions are due Monday at the end of the day. 3. ADST Maze designs are due Tuesday by 2:30 4. Sentence Building Worksheet - #13-24 are due Monday 5. Paragraph - Learning styles - Referencing Survey is due Wednesday 6. Math 7 Weekly Review #13 is due Monday Other: 1. Tier 1 Girls practice - Monday morning and after school. 2. Tier 2 Boys have their first game Tuesday in Savona.

Jan. 18

Homework: 1. Gr.7s - Percent Unit Test tomorrow 2. Gr. 6s - Probability Unit Test tomorrow 3. Multiple Intelligence survey - due tomorrow. 4. Building Better Sentences 13-24 - due Monday 5. Heritage Stamp - due. Jan. 26 6. ADST - Finish outline for maze - Due next Wednesday Other: 1. McQueen Lake - March 5th 2. Swimming - March 16th. 3. Hot Lunch Tomorrow 4. Tier 1 and 2 Boys and Girls Schedules are out. Games begin next week. Have a Good Day!

Wednesday, January 17

1. Math 7's -  percent Test Friday              6's - probability test Friday 2. Socials Heritage Stamp - due Friday, January 27 3. Science - finish front of 6.1 4. ADST - have maze design completed for next Wednesday 5. Have a Amazing week

Agendas: Tuesday, January 16

1. Socials - Heritage Stamp paragraph - due Friday, January 26 2. Math Test Friday - both grades 3. McQueen Lake - cancelled unfortunately due to unsafe road conditions.  We are hoping to reschedule but will not know until next week if possible. 4. Basketball permission forms returned (only applicable to some students) 5. Practice schedule  is being sent out shortly. 6. Have a great day.

Agendas: Monday, January 15

1. McQueen Lake field trip tomorrow - Bring snowpants, jacket, mitts, toque, lunch, waterbottle. 2. Grade 7 Math Weekly Review due Wednesday, Unit test Friday      Grade 6 Math test Friday 3. English - sentences #4 and #5 due Wednesday 4. French - Carnaval Questions, due Thursday 5. Socials - Heritage Stamp paragraph due next Friday, January 26

Jan. 12

Homework: 1. Math Unit Test Gr6s next Friday 2. Math Unit Test - Percents - Next Friday. 3. Paragraphs - Safety at school is Overdue Other: 1. Tier 1 - Girls practice Monday Morning 2. McQueen Lake - Tuesday please come prepared 3. Band Together - Band opportunity with VSS - Form coming home today

January 11

Homework: 1. Building a Better Sentence worksheet. Due tomorrow 2. Paragraph - Due tomorrow 3. Math % Quiz tomorrow for Gr.7s 4. Science Quiz - Electricity tomorrow 5. ADST - Save Sam is overdue 6. Math 6 - Has a booklet to work on for tomorrow Other: 1. McQueen Lake - Tuesday - Make sure you come prepared! 2. Hot Lunch - Tomorrow 3. Special Guest Tomorrow 4. Tier 2 - Boys Early Morning Practice tomorrow 5. Tier 1 - Boys after school tomorrow

Agendas: Wednesday, January 10

1. Science Quiz - electricity - Friday 2. Math Grade 7's - Page 172, #2, 3, 4 3. ADST - Save Sam #1-4 - due tomorrow 4. Socials - Heritage Stamp is ongoing, no due date yet 5. Return McQueen Lake permission forms - field trip is Tuesday, January 16 6. English Paragraph - Friday