1. French Quiz next Tuesday 2. Math 6's - test tomorrow Math 7's - test tomorrow 3. LA booklet - Thursday, March 15th 4. McQueen Lake field trip - Monday, March 5 Bring winter gear, lunch and waterbottle 5. Brainstorm PBL ideas
1. Socials - City State Venn Diagram due Wednesday 2. French Quiz - Tuesday March 6 - outline sent home today 3. Science - Review Newton's 1st Law 4. Math 6's test Wednesday Math 7's test Wednesday - test yourself due tomorrow 5. English Lapbook - ongoing 6. Career - Volunteer activity ongoing 7. McQueen Lake - next Monday - March 5th
1. Skating TOMORROW - bring skates, helmet, jacket and mitts, (hockey stick optional) 2. No School Thursday and Friday 3. ADST Logo Redesign - Monday 26th at the latest 4. English - Lapbook - ongoing 5. Return McQueen Lake form ASAP - field trip is March 5th 6. Career - digital poster - ongoing 7. Have a wonderful night.
1. Skating Wednesday - bring skates, helmet, stick (optional), jacket and mitts 2. Return McQueen Lake permission form 3. No school Thursday and Friday (Pro D Days) 4. Math 7's, section 6.5 and 6.6 due tomorrow 5. Bake Sale tomorrow - items are $1 or $2 6. Anti Bullying Day Wednesday - wear pink if you like 7. ADST Logo is due next Monday, Feb. 26 at the very latest 8. Have a great day.
Homework: 1. Circle of Courage Reflection is due tomorrow. 2. ADST Logo - due Feb. 26 Other: 1. Skating is Feb. 21 2. Swimming is March 16 3. McQueen Lake is March 5 4. No school on Feb. 22/23 5. Hot Lunch tomorrow Have a good day!
Homework: 1. Circle of Courage Reflection Paragraph - due Feb.15 2. Speech - Class Competition is Tuesday 3. Heritage Stamp is now overdue 4. ADST - Rough copy - ongoing Have a wonderful weekened
Homework: 1. Rotary Speech - Classroom speech is Feb.13. School competition is Feb. 15 2. S.S - Heritage project is now due 3. Math 7 - Probability project is overdue. Assignment 6.1/6.2 is due tomorrow. Other: 1. Interm - signed slips are due back. 2. Swimming Permission forms are due 3. Skating permission forms are due. 4 Hot Lunch is tomorrow 5 student birthday tomorrow! Have a great day!
1. Heritage Stamp artwork due tomorrow! 2. Grade 6 Math Test returned today 3. Return skating and swimming permission forms - ASAP 4. YPC tomorrow 5. Math 7's - Section 6.1 and 6.2 6. Speeches next Tuesday 7. No school Monday 8. Have a good day!
1. Heritage Stamp artwork due Thursday 2. Brainstorm what the word "logo" means to you 3. Review French numbers 40-79 4. Return permission forms and $3 ASAP - skating and swimming 5. YPC Thursday 6. Rotary Speeches Feb. 13 7. Family Day holiday - No school Monday Feb. 12 8. Have a good day
1. Math Probability Project - due tomorrow 2. Return TWO permission forms and $3 (to cover the bus for skating) 3. Science quiz tomorrow Chapter 6 terms on page 118 4. YPC Thursday 5. Socials Heritage Stamp art - due Thursday of this week 6. Have a good day
Homework: 1. Circle of Courage continued. Article and Worksheet due Monday. 2. World Changer paragraph is overdue 3. Maze is overdue for ADST 4. Gr7s. Math Probability project - ongoing 5. Gr6s. Math Test - Tuesday 6. Science Test - Tuesday on Electricity 7. S.S Heritage Stamp picture is due Feb. 8 8. Rotary Speech is Feb. 13 Other: 1. YPC is Febuary 8th 2. Interms will come home next week Have A Good Day!
Homework: 1. Circle of Courage: Finish reading article and complete worksheet 2. Rotary Speech is Feb. 13 in our class. 3. Change Maker paragraph is due on Friday 4.15 - Sentence Builders are overdue 5. Marble Maze is due 6. Socials - Heritage Stamp picture is due Feb. 8