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Swim A Thon forms went home today! Students needs to go around with their pledge sheets and collect donations. Our swim is set for April 12 and every dollar raised will go directly towards their Sunny Brae fees. Their forms were put inside a labelled Ziploc bag that has their name on it. The forms are due back first thing April 12. Students created a speech with information that they can give when they knock on doors. Good Luck!

  1. Lightning Thief Ch 10-11 were due today. Students were to have read Ch 12-13. We will be starting Ch14-16 tomorrow. We will finish the novel by spring break.
  2. Math Weekly review #14 is due next Tues. The Integer questions were due today.
  3. Science Ch11 notes on robotic technologies are due tomorrow. Aboriginal/Indigenous people from extreme environments was due today.
Up-Coming Events:

  1. Brain Injury presentation is coming Thursday afternoon.
  2. Western Canada Theatre is Thursday morning
  3. Trade presentation is coming April 29
  4. Spring Break is March 21-April 4. School re-opens April 5.


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