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Showing posts from 2017

December 15

Homework: 1. Celebrations around the world project - due Tuesday 2. Autobiography - Good copy is due Monday 3. Speech is Wednesday 4. Socials Presentation is Wednesday Other: 1. Supplies for Stone Soup are due Monday 2. Pot Luck Is Friday/PJ Day

Dec 14

Homework: 1. Speech on Dec. 20 -Film Review 2. Grade 7 Math projects are due tomorrow. Weekly Review 10 is due. 3. Autobiography project is due - Good Copy on Monday. 4. Socials Studies - NGO is due on the 20th. 5. Stone Soup Materials must be brought in on Monday. Other: 1. Pot Luck will Dec. 22. Please speak with your family about what you could bring in. Salads, Appies, Deserts, Main Dish etc.. 2. Hot Lunch is tomorrow 3. Dec. 22 is PJ day in our class as well 4. Kindness Acts for Secret Santa 5. Holiday Train - is tomorrow. We are meeting at 4:15 behind the Sandman Center

Agendas: Tuesday, December 12

1. Swimming field trip tomorrow - bring your swimsuit, towel and goggles/quarter (optional) 2. Socials - NGO Presentation - next Wednesday Dec 20 3. Talk to your parents about Stone Soup (Bring item next Monday Dec 18) 4. Autobiographies - good copy due Friday 5. International Cuisine - next week 6. Math 7 projects due Friday     Math 6 presentations tomorrow 7. Speeches Dec 20 8. Have a good day!

December 8th

Homework: 1. Speech is Dec.20. This will be a film review/series 2. Rough Draft for Autobiography is due Tuesday 3. Math 7 - Has Fraction Unit Test This Tuesday 4. Math 6 - Presentation is Monday Other: 1. Food Donations 2. Swimming is Wednesday. 3. Bake Sale is Tuesday. 4. Holiday Train is Friday - Permission forms will go out Monday * Reports are going home today. Please sign and return the envelope!

December 7

Homework: 1. Speech is December 20th - Film Review 2. Autobiography - Rough Draft is Due Tuesday. Good Copy is due December 15. 3. Grade 7 - Math Project is due December 13th. Unit Test is December 14 4. Grade 6 Math Project is due this Monday. Other: 1. Food Donations - On going 2. Swimming is Wednesday. 3. Hot Lunch is Tomorrow - Pasta Senior Froggings. 4. Report Cards go home tomorrow

Agendas: Wednesday, December 6

1. Return permission forms for swimming ASAP 2. Math 6's - holiday meal plan     Math 7's - fraction robot project 3. Report cards coming home on Friday 4. Speeches - December 20 5. International Cuisine Menu - December 15 6. Autobiography December 15 7.

Agendas: Tuesday, December 5

1. Bring back swimming form and money if you haven't already 2. Science quiz tomorrow - astronomy/outerspace and experiment terms 3. Look up the meaning of NGO (Non Government Organization) 4. Math 6's - holiday meal plan - Friday     Math 7's - Nelson online overdue 5. International Cuisine Planning 6. Report cards handed out Friday 7. Have a good day!

November 30

Homework: 1. Speech is tomorrow 2. Language Arts Booklet is due tomorrow 3. Vocabulary Quiz - Prefix "Pre" words" is tomorrow 4. Math 6 - Project 5. Math 7s. 2.10 and 2.9 on Nelson Focus Online 6. Science Quiz Wednesday Other: 1. Hot Lunch tomorrow 2. No School on Monday

Agendas: Wednesday, November 29

1. Return swimming permission form and money 2. Science quiz (Astronomy) - Wednesday December 6 (outline was given today) 3.  Practice French dialogues - being presented next Tuesday December 5 4. Lit Booklets 5. Math 7's - section 2.10     Math 6's - holiday meal plan ongoing 6. Speeches - being presented Friday 7. No school Monday!

Agendas: Tuesday, December 5

1. Bring back swimming form and money if you haven't already 2. Science quiz tomorrow - astronomy/outerspace and experiment terms 3. Look up the meaning of NGO (Non Government Organization) 4. Math 6's - holiday meal plan - Friday     Math 7's - Nelson online overdue 5. International Cuisine Planning 6. Report cards handed out Friday 7. Have a good day!

Agendas: Monday, Nov 27

1. Science quiz forthcoming - date TBA 2. French - practice dialogues 3. Review socials - children's rights 4. Lit Booklet - Fri. 5. Speeches - Fri 6. Vocab quiz - Fri 7. No School next Monday December 4 8. Math 6's - holiday meal planning     Math 7's - no homework

November 23

Homework: 1. Note: There is NO Literature Booklet due this week. 2. There is NO vocab Quiz. 3. Human Right assignment for SS is overdue. 4. Math Projects are overdue 5. Math 7 has pgs 2.5/2.6 Other: 1. Hot Lunch Tomorrow

Agendas: Tuesday, November 21

1. Olympic Day field trip tomorrow. Bring waterbottle and lunch Wear Dallas t-shirt/jersey/hoodie or school colours if possible 2. Human Rights work - due tomorrow 3. Spelling test Thursday 4. Math 7's - 2.5 and 2.6 due Friday     Math 6's - no homework 5. Speeches - December 1 6.  Have a good day!

Nov 17

Homework: 1. Literature Booklet #8 is due on Monday, Nov. 20. 2. Math 6 has a test on Tuesday. Tests will cover rations and percents 3. Math 7 - Fraction questions 4. Socials. Human Rights in progress 5. ADST Scratch Art is due Wednesday. 6. Vocabulary Quiz is Thursday - Belli words (means War) 7. Speech - Book Talk is Nov. 28 * Grade 6s are working on a Literacy project for Mr. Cartie and they are encouraged to get that in. Other: 1. Olympic Presentation for all Intermediate students in the gym Monday at 1pm. 2. Field Trip to TCC is Weds foe Olympic Day 3. Dec.7 we are heading to the Kamloops Residential School for a field trip.

Nov 16

Homework: 1. Literature Booklet #8 is due Monday 2. Speech - Book Talk is Nov. 28 3. Gr. 6s = Test Tuesday in Math on ratios and Percents 4. Human Rights Poster in SS is ongoing 5. Math Project is due next Thursday Other: 1. Field Trip to TCC is next Weds (Nov.22) 2. Hot Lunch Tomorrow

Agendas: Nov. 14

1. Floating Egg Science Experiment - due tomorrow 2. Solar System string - due at the end of class tomorrow 3. Literature Booklet - Monday 4. Spelling Test - tomorrow 5. Math 6's - test Tuesday              7's - no homework 6. Math tests were returned today - 6's 7. Olympic Day Field Trip - next Wednesday, Nov. 22 (return forms if you haven't) 8. Monthly Speech - Nov. 28


Homework: 1. Literature Booklet #7 is due tomorrow. 2. Math 7s have a test on BEDMAS and converting decimals to fractions 3. Vocab Test is Monday - Bio words. There are 5 and they are in the Literature booklet. 4. Monthly Speech is Nov. 28 Other: 1. No School Monday 2. Permission slips for Olympic day are overdue!

Agendas: Wednesday, November 8

1. Crib boards were finished today and marked. 2. Review scale of the universe 3. Math 7's - test Friday     Math 6's - page 43 due Friday 4. Return Olympic Day permission forms 5. No School Monday 6. Remember to bring winter gear for outside play at recess and lunch 7. PE Strip for tomorrow 8. Assembly Friday at 10:40 9. Spelling Test Friday 10. Literature Booklet

Agendas: November 6, 2017

Monday, November 6 1. Grade 6/7 Field Trip info sent home today 2. Literature Booklet  3. ADST - crib boards - due Wednesday 4. Math 7's - test Friday     Math 6's - no homework 5. No School next Monday (Remembrance Day holiday) 6. Assembly Friday at 10:40 in the gym 7. Return Olympic Day permission forms

Nov 3

Homework: 1. Gr. 6s Have a Math test on Monday 2. Language Arts Booklet is overdue 3. ADST -Crib board is due Nov.8 Other: 1. Purdy's Chocolate fundraiser going home 2. Permission form for Olympic Day on November 22. 3. Any Olympian is Coming in to Speak with Intermediates at Dallas 4. Dec.7 - No form yet. Field Trip to the Kamloops Residential school

Nov. 2

Homework: 1. Literature Booklet #6 is due tomorrow. 2. Gr. 7s have a Math test tomorrow on Decimals 3. Gr.6s have have a fraction unit test Monday 4. Haunted House is over due. 5. Crib boards are due Nov.8 6. Vocabulary quiz on "equa" words is due tomorrow. Other: 1. Clothing order are due Nov. 15

October 26

Homework: 1. Socials Test- on Ancient Rome - Tuesday, Oct. 31. 2. French Haunted House - Due Monday Oct. 30 3. Science - Invention - Due Nov. 1st 4. Math Gr 7s - Neslon 3.6/3.7 online questions due tomorrow. Unit Test on Decimals is Nov. 4th There is no language arts / vocabulary this week. Other: 1. Halloween Dance Tuesday 2. Outbreak Game tomorrow 3. Book Fair is Weds - Friday next week.

Agendas: Wednesday, October 25

1. Socials Ancient Rome test - Tues Oct 31 2. Science Invention - Wedn Nov 1 3. French - la maison hantee - Mon Oct 30 4. 6's - math test sent home toda     7's - section 3.6 5. Halloween Dance - Tuesday at lunch ($2 or a non-perishable food bank donation) 6. Socktober 7. YPC - Concert #1 - next Thursday morning

Agendas: Tuesday, Oct 24

1. Skates, helmet, mittens and (optional) hockey stick - tomorrow 2. Socials test - Tuesday, Oct. 31 3. Science invention - Wednesday, Nov. 1 4. French - la maison hantee - Monday, Oct 30 5. 6's - no math homework, 7's - section 3.4 6.

Agendas: Monday, October 23

1. Skating Wednesday - Bring SKATES, HELMET, MITTENS, hockey stick (optional) 2. Begin to review for socials test next week 3. Science Invention - November 1st 4. French - Maison Hantee - Monday, October 30 5. Math Gr 6's test tomorrow - Gr 7's lesson 3.4 6. YPC - return forms if you haven't already (first concert Thurs. Nov 2nd) 7. Vocab test tomorrow, literature booklet due tomorrow

October 19

Homework: 1. Literature Booklet #4 is due Tuesday at the end of the day. 2. Paragraph on "An Ideal Vacation." is due Tuesday at the end of the day. 3. Math 7 -3.3 questions 4. Math 6 - Math Test is on Integers, Prime, Composite Numbers 5. French Test and Haunted house . Test is next week and the House is on the 31st. 6. Science Extreme weather invention project is due Nov 1st. 7. Speech is October 27. 8. Upcoming socials test on Tuesday/ Wednesday of next week. Rome Other: 1. Skating is Wednesday, please bring your skates and helmet. 2. YPC forms are due back. 3. No school tomorrow !

Agendas: Wednesday, October 18

1. Interim sent home today 2. School Photos - sent home today 2. YPC permisson form - ASAP 5. Haunted House - French - Oct 31 6. Science Invention - Nov 1 7. Early Dismissal tomorrow at 12:30 8. No School Friday - Pro D Day 9. Literature booklets - Monday the 23rd 10. Spelling Test Thursday 11. School Photo Retakes next Wednesday October 25

Agendas: Tuesday, October 17

1. Skating permission form and money 2. YPC permisson form - ASAP 3. School clothing order form sent home today 4. Milk order form sent home today 5. Haunted House - French - Oct 31 6. Science Invention - Nov 1 7. Early Dismissal this Thursday at 12:30 8. No School Friday - Pro D Day 9. Literature booklets - Monday the 23rd 10. Spelling Test Thursday

Agendas: October 16

1. No School Friday 2. Early dismissal at 12:30 Thursday 3. French sheet - la maison hantee - demain (tomorrow) 4. Gr 7 Math - Nelson website 5. Literature Book - Thursday 6. Spelling Test - Thursday 7. SKATING FORMS AND $3 - ASAP

October 13

Homework: 1. Math (7s) - 3.2 and Weekly Reveiw #3 due Monday. 2. Math 6s - Pg 23 if not finished. Due Monday 3. Newsela - Cell phone summary is overdue. 4. Crib Board - Due Nov. 1 5. Speech #1 - New Technology / Scientific Discovery is on October 27. Other: 1. Oct 19th is Parent Teacher Interviews. Please sign up through the link I emailed out if you have not done so already. Half day of school. Students done at lunch time. 2. Oct 20 is Pro-D - No school

October 12

Homework: 1. Newsela Summary is due tomorrow. You must have 3 column notes as well as your typed paragraph. 2. Math project is due on Oct 26th 3. Socials - Practice Roman Numerals 4. Roman Questions are overdue 5. Vocabulary words "Cred" Other: 1. Parent/Teacher Interviews are October 19th from 1-4pm

October 10

Homework: 1. Study Roman Numerals for 10 min 2. Socials Rome Questions - due Thursday 3. Hacky Sacks are Overdue! 4. Vocabulary - Cred words 5. LA paragraph - due Friday Other: 1. Parent/Teacher Interviews - Oct. 19th. Class ends at 12:00

October 5

Homework: 1. Vocabulary Quiz on "Corp" words tomorrow. 2. Literature Booklet #3 is due tomorrow. 3. Math Test Tuesday for the grade 7s. 4. Math for 6s is to finish the first page of their booklet. 5. Socials - Ancient Rome questions Other: 1. No school Monday - It's a holiday. 2. Volleyball Tier 1 Girls need to get their permission form in.

Oct 4

1. Hacky Sacks are due Tuesday, October 10 2. Ancient Rome Daily Life summary - now overdue 3. Ancient Rome Questions - due Tuesday, October 10 4. Math 7's - 1.6 due tomorrow, unit test Friday 5. Math 6's - no homework 6. Language Arts - booklet #3 due Friday 7. Spelling Test - Friday 8. No School Monday - Thanksgiving

Oct 3

1. Hacky Sacks are due Tuesday, October 10 2. Ancient Rome Daily Life summary - due tomorrow, October 4 3. Ancient Rome Questions - ongoing - no due date set yet 4. Math 7's - 1.6 due tomorrow, unit test Friday 5. Math 6's - no homework 6. Language Arts - booklet #3 due Friday 7. Spelling Test - Friday 8. No School Monday - Thanksgiving

Sept 29

Homework: 1. Literature Booklet #2 is overdue. If you do not hand it in by 8:35am on Monday you will spend your lunch completing the work! 2. French Test is Monday. Counting to 40 in French. Other: 1. Picture Day is Monday 2. Tier 1 Girls Monday at lunch 3. Tier 2 Girls Tuesdays at lunch

Sept 28

Vocabulary this week is Corp - Body 1. Corporation 2. Corpse 3. Corporal 4. Incorporate 5. Unincorporated 6. Mega corporation 7. Incorporation 8. Incorporable Homework: 1. Vocab practice. 2. Multiplication practice/Nelson Focus online questions for Gr.7s 3. French test Monday 4. Math 6 Test tomorrow 5. First Speech is October 27 - This is on a recent scientific discovery. Please refer to green handouts. Other: 1. Orange Shirt Day tomorrow- we will be discussing residential schools tomorrow. 2. Picture Day is Monday. 3. Bring 2/3 of a cup of rice or popcorn kernels.

September 27

Homework: 1. Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow. 2. Literature Booklet #2 due Friday 3. Nelson Math Focus Online student questions (2,5,10 and 3,9). Gr.7 only. Record your score! 4. Grade 6s. Math Test on Ch2 Friday 5. French Quiz - Unite 1. Numbers, school supplies, ingredients. Up-Coming Events: 1. BBQ is tomorrow. 2. Orange Shirt Day on Friday.
Tough like Terry. The class did a great job dressing up for our run today!

September 21

Homework: 1. Working on new Vocab words - Fin words. There are 8 (final, finite, confine,definitely, indefinite, finish, refine, and undefined. 2. Students can be working on next weeks Literature booklet. 3. Gr.7s in Math have a quiz on Tuesday. Worksheet 1.4 is due Monday. 4. Review French Vocab Up-Coming 1. BBQ on Sept 26 - Meet the Teacher 2. No school tomorrow

September 15

Homework: Literature Booklet - Due Tuesday, Sept 19 Vocabulary - Form Words -Due Weds (5 words total) Sept 20 Grammar Sheet - Common/Proper Nouns worksheet Sept 19 Journal - Due Tuesday Sept 19 Gr 7s have 1.1 in Math as well as 2,3,5,10 Xtables due Monday Sept 18 Gr.6s have no homework in Math Up-Coming Events 1. Terry Fox run - Sept 21 - Thursdsay. Please bring in a Toonie ($2.00) 2. No Parent meeting - On Sept 20. 3. Please bring school fees. 4. Friday Sept 22 - No school

Welcome to Class

I would like to take a moment to welcome you to class! I am excited to get to know all of my new students and their families. Listed below are a few things to know. Once class lists have been finalized and updated on our system I will email you. If you have not received an email from me by next week please contact me to make sure I have all of the proper information. I will be postponing the Parent information night to the following week. There are still a few changes taking place within the school and I want to make sure that I provide an opportunity for parents to attend. This meeting will take place on September 27 at 6:00 pm in my classroom. It will be short (45 min) I will be using the blog for daily communication about upcoming work and assignments. Students are expected to write in their agenda daily as well as check the blog. Please follow me, this way you will not have to check but will receive automatic updates. Early morning fitness will take place on...

June 8

Homework: 1. Math Test tomorrow 2. Speech is June 19 3, Hunger Games - Part 3 test is next Thursday. Pgs 43-46 an 52-55 is due tomorrow. Other: 1. June 23 Fun Day 2. June 28 is Gr7 Luncheon 3. June 12-14 is Eagle Bay for Gr.7 4. June 29 Year End Assembly and Report Cards and Early Dismissal

June 6

Homework: 1. Math 7.4 and Quiz Thursday 2. Hunger Games Part 3- 43-46/ 52-55 Other: 1. Gr.7 Luncheon Letter 2. Swimming Field Trip Form for June 20th\ 3. Fun Day is June 23

June 5

Homework: 1, June 15 is the Math Unit Test 2. June 23 is the year end Math Test - Cumulative 3. Math Quiz is Thursday 4. Part 2 Quiz for the Hunger Games is Thursday Other: 1. EAGLE BAY FORMS WENT HOME TODAY!

June 2

Homework: 1. Read up to Ch 24 for the Hunger Games. 2. Math you need to finish your questions 299/301. There is a quiz on Tuesday. 3. Speech has been moved to June 19

June 1

Homework: 1. Math 7.4 Worksheet due tomorrow. 2. SS. Ancient India Questions due tomorrow. 3. Speech - Due June 19. 4. Game concept - due tomorrow Other: 1. Eagle Bay - June 12-14 2. Brock Pool June 20 forms to go home soon 3. Last Day of School is June 28. Half Day and year end assembly 4. June 23 - Intermediate Games

May 25

Homework: 1. Math pg 288-289 due tomorrow 2. Hunger Games Part 2 -work due Wednesday 3. Socials -Ancient India Assignment due Tuesday Other: 1. Health Forms are due

May 24

Homework: 1. Math 7.1 / board question 2. Hunger Games Part 2 - Assignment/Questions Other: 1. Yearbook Forms - Due June 2 2. Family Life - Parent Sheet must be returned tomorrow! 3. Wolfpack Camp forms went home today.

May 10

Homework 1. Math Test Yourself - Worksheet due tomorrow. Math Test next Wednesday 2. Hunger Games Qs Ch 9 & 10. Pgs 8 - 10, 22, and 22 due for Friday 3. Restaurant Project 4. Current Events Speech' Other: 1. Zone Track Meet is May 16 2. Valleyview Visit for Gr7s is May 19

May 9

Homework: 1. Hunger Games - Ch 9 for tomorrow 2.  Math - pg 421 due for tomorrow.  Unit Test May 18 3. Restaurant Presentations take place May 16 4. Current Events Speech May 18. 5. French Quiz tomorrow. Other: 1. Pro-D Monday, May 15 2. Gr7s visit Valleyview May 19

May 5

Blue Folders went home again today! Please check for those and sign and return. Homework: 1. Current Events and Restaurant Project  - Week of May 15 2. French Quiz - Weds 3. Home Reading. Students are encouraged to read for 30 minutes this weekend. Other: 1. Track Day is Monday, please be prepared for the weather. 2. No School May 15

May 4

Homework: 1. Math 9.4/9.7 due tomorrow 2. French 3. Hunger Games (vocab 6/7, Qs 6/7, pgs 18-21) 4. Restaurant and Current Events - Both Due the week of the 16th Other: 1. Eagle Bay forms tomorrow!!! 2. Track Day is Monday 3. Half Day tomorrow

May 3

Homework: 1. Hunger Games pages - due Friday (18,19,20,&21). Vocab 6/7 2. Restaurant - Is now May 16 3. Current Events is May 18 Other: 1. Half Day of School Friday 2. Eagle Bay forms must be in this Friday! 3. Track Day is May 8. Students will be participating in every event.

May 2

Homework: 1. Math 9.4 is due tomorrow 2. Hunger Games Chapter 6 questions are due tomorrow. Vocabulary, Character comparison, Character picture, and symbolism are due Friday along with Ch7 questions. 3. Speech is May 17 - Current Events 4. Restaurant Project Day is May 16. Other: 1. May 8 is School Track Day. Students will be expected to be dressed properly and participate in each event. 2. Eagle Bay forms are due May 5! 3. Talent Show is May 12 4. Early Closure is May 5 (This Friday)

April 26

Homework: 1. Math 9.3/9.5 due tomorrow 2. Hunger Games Ch 3 and 4 due tomorrow 3. Current Events Speech is May 16. 4. Restaurant Project is due May 12 Other: 1. Scholastic orders are going in May 2. 2. Eagle Bay forms are due back May 5. 3. School Track Meet May 8 4. Parloff at the school is May 8

April 26

Homework: 1. LA Booklet 2. Hunger Games Ch3/4 Questions are due Friday. 3. Restaurant Due May 12 Other: 1. Scholastic is May2 2. Bake Sale Tomorrow 3. Fresh is Best Fundraiser is due Friday 4. Eagle Bay Money is due May 30

April 25

Homework: 1. Debates - Have been moved to tomorrow afternoon and Thursday 2. Restaurant is May 12 Other: 1. Scholastic Order form is May 12 2. Parloff Permission Forms - First one is TOMORROW!! Your team CANNOT go if you forget yours! 3. Eagle Bay money is due May 30

April 21

Swimathon is this Tuesday! Please bring your money in Tuesday morning. Also do not forget your swimsuit and towel! Homework: 1. LA Booklet and Questions are due Wednesday. 2. Debate is Tuesday. Be prepared!

April 19

Homework: 1. Debate - Debate is next week so be prepared to go! 2. French - Quiz is next Wednesday 3. Novel questions for Ch 1 and 2 Due Friday. 4. Science Notes - Due Tuesday. 5. LA Booklet is due Friday. Other: 1. Swimathon - is next Tuesday (April 25) 2. Fresh is Best - Fundraiser is due April 28 3. No School Monday April 24

April 13

Homework: 1. Debate - written out and begin practicing. Debates are set for April 24 2. Restaurant Project - choose a logo and have decided on your niche. 3. Home Reading for 30 minutes 4. Math Weekly review 18. Other: 1. Swimathon - April 25 from 10 -12 at the YMCA 2. Happy Easter

April 11

Homework: 1. Math Test Yourself - 8 2. Weekly review #18 is due Tuesday 3. Debate - April 24 4. Restaurant Project, begin planning 5. Easter Art is due Thursday. Other: 1. Swimathon is April 25. Please continue fundraising 2. Eagle Bay money needs to be in.

April 10

Homework: 1. Math 8.6 is due tomorrow. Weekly review 18 will be due next Tuesday. Statistics Quiz is Thursday 2. Easter Egg is due Wednesday 3. ASDT - Restaurant Project. Develop a topic 4. Debate - Debates will be April 23 Other: 1. Swimathon - April 25 and Eagle Bay Money is due in May 2. Parloff is fast approaching.

April 7

Homework: 1. Math 8.5 and weekly review #17 are both due on Monday. Other: 1. No Blue Folder will be sent home this week as we are just getting back in to things. They will be sent home next week.

April 5

I forgot to sign agendas today. I am also waiting for a few blue folders to be returned! Homework: 1. Math worksheet 8.2 and Weekly Review 17. 2. Discovery Education Science First Law of Motion Questions and Notes due Friday 3. LA Booklet due Friday as well as Poetry - Today we worked on Acrostic Poems Other: 1. Swimathon - Gr.7s Starts Friday for two weeks. This event will take place at the YMCA downtown on April 25 at 10:30am 2. Please bring in Eagle Bay money

April 4

Homework: 1. 8.1/8.3 Worksheets for Math 2. Cinquain Poem on Setting 3. Isaac Newton Notes - Discovery Education website 4. LA booklet week 8 - Due Friday

April 3

Homework: 1. Isaac Newton Notes - Due on Wednesday 2. LA Booklet - due Friday 3. Poetry - Shape Poem due tomorrow Other: 1. Gr.7s - Eagle Bay funds are due in early May. Swimathon will be taking place in late April. 2. Parloff teams begin after Easter

March 15

Homework: 1.Speech is tomorrow morning 2. Literature Booklet #7 is due Friday. 3. Descriptive Paragraph is due Friday. 4. Plot Diagram is due Friday Other: 1. Friday we are having a St. Patrick's Day snack. Please bring a snack to share with you and two other people. No need to have a Bakeathon, but we are going to enjoy some snacks and wear green that day. 2. Report Cards went home today.

March 14

Homework: 1.  French Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow morning 2, Fossil Unit Test tomorrow 3. Speech - Science Discovery is Thursday 4. Friday - Literature booklet #7 and Plot Diagram sheet Other: 1. Gr.7 Meeting at Valleyview tonight at 7pm. This meeting can be for both students and parents

March 13

Homework: 1. French Vocab Quiz - Wednesday 2. Fossil Unit Test and Test Prep questions - Wednesday 3. Speech is Thursday 4. Literature Booklet Week #7 is due Friday 5. Descriptive Paragraph and art work - Friday

March 10

Homework: 1. French Vocabulary Quiz - Wednesday 2. French Unit Test is Wednesday 3. Speech - Science Discovery is Thursday Other 1. Report Cards come home Wednesday

March 9

Homework: 1. French Quiz - Wednesday 2. Comparative Paragraph - Due tomorrow. First Nations Stories 3. Booklet for Week 6 - Literature and Character suitcase is due tomorrow. 4. Math Project is due tomorrow 5. Science Discovery Speech is next Thrusday

March 8

Homework: 1. French Vocab Quiz - Next Wednesday. New words went home today. 2. Speech - Science Discovery is March 16 3. Literature Book Week  with Character Suitcase is due Friday. 4. Math project - Plan a Vacation is due on Friday with a chance to share on Monday. 5. Compare and Contrast First Nations stories paragraph is due Friday. 6. First Nations Map and Arctic Region is due tomorrow. Other: 1. Grade 7s have an orientation of Valleyview Secondary at 7:00pm on March 14 2. Grade 7 Course Selection sheets are due on March 15
Homework: 1. French Vocab Quiz is tomorrow 2. Math Project is due Friday 3. S.S. First Nations Story Comparative Paragraph due Friday 4. Literature Book #2 week 6 is due Friday Other: Tier 1 Boys vs Teachers is Thursday. Come Cheer us on!

March 3

Blue folders went home again today. Homework: 1. French Vocab - Quiz Wednesday 2. Speech - Science Discovery. They will occur on the 16 unless you are leaving early for spring break.

March 1

Homework: 1. French Vocab words. Quiz next Weds 2. Science Discovery Speech is March 16 3. Fossil Summary is due Friday. Must have three quotes and a reference to the article's title. Notes will be marked separately. 4. Literature booklet #2, week 5 is due Friday. 5. Math Project - Plan a Vacation. Worksheet with this. This is due March 10.

Feb. 28

Homework : 1. Integer Test tomorrow 2. Speech - Science Discovery topic. Presentations are March 16 3. Math Vacation Project - Due Monday. There is a handout for this and they may work with one partner. 4. Science - Fossil Note-taking and Summary plan due tomorrow

Feb. 27

Homework: 1. Fossil Simulation is due tomorrow 2. Heritage Stamp is due tomorrow 3. Science Discovery speech is March 16 4. Math Integer Unit Test is Wednesday

Feb 23

Homework: 1. Heritage Stamp is due Feb 28 (Next Tuesday) 2. Next Speech March 16. This is to be a recent Science or Technological Development. Slides may be included. 3. Integer Math Unit Test is March 1. (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) 4. Fossil Simulation #1 is due Monday. This is through their Discovery Education website and can be found under "Assignments." Students have a handout to accompany this that must be filled out. Other: 1. No School Tomorrow!

Feb 22

Homework: 1. Book Talk is tomorrow 2. Heritage Stamp is due Next Tuesday 3. Math Integer Unit Test Wednesday, March 1 4. Science Simulation #1 - Discovery Education website. This is done online and is due tomorrow Other: 1. No School Friday 2. Jellyfish - Intermediate Presentation is tomorrow


Homework: 1. Book Talk is Thursday. 2. Heritage Stamp is Tuesday the 28. 3. Math Unit Test on Integers - March 1 4. Literacy Booklets are due Thursday the 23 Other: 1. No School Friday 2. Tomorrow is Pink Shirt Day


Homework: 1. Book Talk is this Thursday 2. Heritage Stamp is due Next Tuesday 3. Integer Unit Test - Next Wednesday 4. Fossil Summary is Over Due Other: 1. Pink Shirt Day is this Wednesday 2. No school on Friday

February 14

HOMEWORK: 1. Integer Quiz - Thursday (Feb.16) 2. Fossil Paragraph - Due Friday. This is a Summary. 3. Book Talk Speech - Feb. 23 4. Weekly Review #15 - Math is due tomorrow. 4. Heritage Stamp - Due Feb.28 - write up and Picture. Worksheets that go with this. Other: 1. Music test is next Tuesday 2. Hot Dog Day - Friday

Feb. 10

Homework: uiz 1. Math worksheet 6.3/6.4 due Tuesday. Math quiz on Integers is Feb.16 2. Science Fossil Article is now overdue. 3. Heritage Stamp is due Feb. 28 4. Book Speech is Feb.23 Other: 1. Family day is Monday - No School 2. Feb 24 is Pro-D - No School

February 9

Homework: 1. Science Article - Fossil note taking sheet. Due tomorrow 2. Heritage Stamp 3. Speech is February  23 Other: 1. School Colour Day tomorrow. Wear blue and white!

Feb. 9

Homework: 1. Science Quiz tomorrow - cells and organisms 2. Speech - Feb.23 3. Heritage Stamp - Feb.28 Other: 1. Friday is School Colour day and our assembly. Wear Dallas wear etc..

Feb. 7

Homework: 1. Math quiz - Probability tomorrow 2. Science Quiz - Thursday. 3. Heritage Stamp is February 28. 4. Book Talk is February 23 5. Literacy Booklet for Week 2 is due Friday / Sentences (10) Other: 1. Skating is tomorrow.  You must bring a helmet. Hockey sticks are welcome.

Feb. 6

Homework: 1. Speech - Book Talk if Feb 23 2. Heritage Stamp - Feb. 28 3. Math worksheet 6.1. Probability Test is Wednesday. Practice Math Focus online 4. Science Quiz - Feb.9 - Organisms and Cells Other: 1. Superhero Day 2. Skating is February 8

Feb 2

Homework: 1. Heritage Stamp - Choose your topic (This is due Feb. 28). There are handouts for this as well as planning sheets. 2. Book Talk Speech is February 23rd. 3. Probability Game sheet is due Monday Feb 6. 4. Literature Booklet is due tomorrow by 2:30 pm. Other: 1. Twin Day is Monday 2. Super hero day is Tuesday. 3. Skating is Feb 8

Feb 1

Homework: 1. Speech - Feb 23. 2. 10.6 Math Worksheet, Gr. 7s 10.3/4 3. Socials - Choosing Heritage Stamp Concept 4. Literacy Booklet due Friday Other: 1. Lego Creation Day - Challenge Tomorrow 2. Skating is Feb 8th

Jan 31

Homework: 1. 10.5 Math worksheet. 2. Speech - Book Report which is Feb. 23 3. Literature Booklet for your novel is due Friday. 4. Science pg 9 Qs 1 &2. Other: 1. Formal Day - Tomorrow 2. Skating is Feb. 8 3. Lego Creation Day is Feb 2

Jan 30

Homework: 1. Speech - Book review is due Feb.23 2. Treasure Island is now late for 6s and is due tomorrow for 7s. 3. Math - Measurement unit test is tomorrow. 4. Comparative Paragraph is now late. 5. Blue folders - some are still missing. Make sure your parents have singed yours! Other: 1. Crazy Day tomorrow - Wear your wackiest hair. 2. Fancy Day is Weds 2. Skating is Feb. 8 - Some forms are still missing
Homework: 1. Practice for your Measurement unit test. There is the Nelson Math Focus link on the the previous day. Test is Tuesdays 2. Good Copy of your Comparative Paragraph. This must be stapled to your rough draft. 3. You may begin working on your book review speech. 4. Treasure Island comprehension sheets are due on Tuesday for the grade 7s Other: 1. Skating is February 8th.

Extra Math Practice

Hi Everyone, I wanted to give everyone the Nelson BC Math Focus link. If you are wanting to build in some extra math practice into your routine this site has some questions that you can complete online. It is also the brand of books we carry in our grade 6 and 7 classrooms. This would be a great way to prepare for tests and gain some extra practice at home. I will consider adding it to our regular routines as well. Our upcoming test on Measurement can be found in chapter 5 for grade 7s and chapter 8 for grade 6s. Math Focus 6 and 7 Link:

Jan 26

Homework 1. Treasure Island Booklet - Is due on Friday for grade 6s and is due on Tuesday for grade 7s. 2. Rough Draft of Comparative paragraph is due tomorrow. 3. Measurement unit Test is Tuesday. Other: 1. Tubing tomorrow - Helmets are mandatory. You will not be able to use the consession. 2. Skating forms are due. Skating is Feb 8th

January 23

Homework: 1. Prepare for measurement unit test. This will take place on next Tuesday. 3. Comparative paragraph - Similarities between Pirates and Sailors. Including the use of three correctly used transitions. Good copy is due Friday. 2. Home Reading. Students are to be reading 20 -30 minutes per night. Other: 1. Students finished their Rotary Speeches today. Overall, these were fantastic! Students did a really great job and should feel very proud of their efforts. Our school competition is going to be on Wednesday after noon in the community center. It has been a really tough decision! There were a number of excellent scores and interesting topics! 2. FSAs are underway and will continue on tomorrow. 3. We have been looking at our language arts rotations and have made some minor adjustments. Our literature circles have started and students are receiving their novel in the next few days. We have also expanded our skills in sentence writing. Students have shown growth in th...

Jan. 17

Homework: 1. Practice Rotary Speech - make sure that you are not over 4 minutes. This will be presented on January 23 and the school competition is due January 25. 2. Venn Diagram for Pirates vs. Sailors 3. Treasure map assignment 4. 20 minutes of home reading Other: 1. Students in grade 7 begin their FSA tests tomorrow. 2. Skating February 8 3. Pro-D Friday (Jan. 20) 4. Parent Teacher interviews are Jan. 26 from 1-5 please email me if you would like to set up a meeting time. I will be sending home individual requests next week.

Jan 16

Blue folders are ready for home. They will have the signature sheet before we leave tomorrow for skiing. Homework: 1. Math 5.6 2.Rotary speeches - Please begin practicing them 3. Venn Diagram for Compare/Contrast paragraph 4. Map - Treasure Map Other: 1. Skiing tomorrow 2. Pro-D is Friday 3. Parent Teacher Interviews are Jan. 26 from 1-5pm 4. Skating is Feb 8

Jan 13

Homework: 1. Rotary Speech: Class speeches are Jan. 19th. Students have a  handout and are welcome to ask me for help. 2. Math 5.4 and weekly review #14 is due Monday. 3. Home Reading 20-30 minutes. Other: 1. Lion King Permission form 2. Driver Confirmation from some parents for Tuesday. 3. Pro - D is the 20th

Jan 9

Homework: 1. Speech writing - this will be presented on Jan.19 and the top 3-4 students advance to the school competition that will be held on Jan. 25 in the community center. 2. Study for Math test which is on this Thursday. * Note: Our Space/Ocean project has been placed on hold. We have just started a few new units in class and we have a lot on the go for those. - We have also begun a new Literacy program. Students are working on a number of skills and have a duotang that you may wish to look at. These will be marked once a week. Our novel will begin near the end of this week and will make up part of this. Mrs. Jenkins our LART teacher will also be coming in daily to help with our literacy stations. Other: 1. Skiing this Wednesday. 2. Jan 20 is a Pro-D so there will be no school. 3. Jan 18th is a field trip to KSA - we will be watching their Lion King production

Jan. 6

Homework: 1. Weekly Review 13 due Monday 2. Rotary Speeches should be worked on this weekend as well. Students have a handout for this. 3. Math unit test on Percents is on Thursday, Jan. 12 4. Home Reading 20-30 minutes Other: 1. Skiing - January 11/17. Thank you so much to our drivers! We really appreciated your help :) 2. January 18 - KSA field trip to watch "Lion King." Forms will be sent home Monday.

Jan 5

Homework: 1. Sentence Worksheet #4 is due tomorrow. 2. Percent Unit Test is next Thursday. 3. Math 4.6 and Test Yourself questions are due tomorrow. 4. Science Topics are due Monday. Student/Teacher consults will take place then. 5. Rotary Speech competition sheets went home today. The classroom speeches will take place the week of the 20th. The school wide speech will take place on January 25th. Everyone will participate in the class competition and the top 3-4 students will move on to the school level. Other: 1. Skiing days are Jan.11/Jan.17 2. Non-Instructional Day is Jan 21

January 4

Homework: 1. Home Reading: 20 -30 minutes per night for the rest of the week. Please have your parents initial the agenda. 2. Math - Percent test is January 12th. Other: 1. We ski next Wednesday and the following Tuesday and we are still looking for drivers.