1. Speech on Dec. 20 -Film Review
2. Grade 7 Math projects are due tomorrow. Weekly Review 10 is due.
3. Autobiography project is due - Good Copy on Monday.
4. Socials Studies - NGO is due on the 20th.
5. Stone Soup Materials must be brought in on Monday.
1. Pot Luck will Dec. 22. Please speak with your family about what you could bring in. Salads, Appies, Deserts, Main Dish etc..
2. Hot Lunch is tomorrow
3. Dec. 22 is PJ day in our class as well
4. Kindness Acts for Secret Santa
5. Holiday Train - is tomorrow. We are meeting at 4:15 behind the Sandman Center
1. Speech on Dec. 20 -Film Review
2. Grade 7 Math projects are due tomorrow. Weekly Review 10 is due.
3. Autobiography project is due - Good Copy on Monday.
4. Socials Studies - NGO is due on the 20th.
5. Stone Soup Materials must be brought in on Monday.
1. Pot Luck will Dec. 22. Please speak with your family about what you could bring in. Salads, Appies, Deserts, Main Dish etc..
2. Hot Lunch is tomorrow
3. Dec. 22 is PJ day in our class as well
4. Kindness Acts for Secret Santa
5. Holiday Train - is tomorrow. We are meeting at 4:15 behind the Sandman Center
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