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Showing posts from 2016

December 12

Homework: 1. Ancient Egypt Slide presentations are tomorrow. Make sure you are ready to go! 2. Math: Flyer Percentage assignment. Due Wednesday. 3. Line Memorization and costumes need to be ready by tomorrow Other: 1. Some students are participating in a Secret Santa. The limit is $5.00 and gifts are due this Wednesday. 2. Play is Wednesday at 1pm in the gym. The entire school is coming!!!! Mrs. Ross is video taping and will share the link for us! 3. Pancake Breakfast. Please bring a plate, fork, knife, and any toppings you like. I am providing the pancakes, butter, and Syrup. This is Friday and we will watch our play as we eat. 4. Harper Ski forms have gone home. Please bring them back as as soon as possible.

Dec 8

Homework: 1. Christmas is fast approaching, and so is our play. The primary focus for our actors is getting their lines memorized. 2. Math 4.7 due tomorrow unless you are an actor and you have some extra time. Other: 1. Christmas play is Dec 14th at 1pm. We are looking for a parent who is interested in video taping our performance. If you are able to help please email me. 2. Hot lunch is tomorrow 3. KSO field trip is tomorrow morning


Homework: 1.Egypt Multi paragraph Assignment is due on Tuesday. This project has been extended until then. 2. Math 4.3 and 4.4 due tomorrow. These are worksheets. 3. Scripts must be memorized There is no school on Monday Christmas Concert - Next Tuesday, please wear white and black Christmas play is Dec. 14

Nov. 30

Notice about the Christmas concert and the Christmas play went home today. It is a green sheet! Please read and let me know if you have any questions. Homework: 1. Egypt Essay is due Friday. There is a booklet for this and they are working in groups of 2 or 3. 2. Math 4.3 and The Nutritional Assignment is due Friday. Other: No School on Monday

Nov. 25

Homework: 1. Math Robots need to be finished and handed in. Math questions on the board are due 2. Egypt Project: Multi paragraph is due Friday. One per group. There is a handout explaining the entire project and what is expected for this. Please check this with your child. 3. Line practice. If you have lines they have been shared with you and you need to be practicing regularly. Other: 1. Christmas concert is Dec 6 @6:30 you must be here by 6:10. We are singing the 12 days of Christmas. Please let me know if you are away. 2. Christmas play is Dec.14 @1:00 pm. Please let me know if your child will be away.

Nov 25

There is no homework this weekend! Other: 1. We will be singing the 12 days of Christmas at the Christmas concert! The Christmas concert is Dec 6th at 6:30. Students must be at school by 6:10pm. Please send a note if you are not going to be there as soon as possible. 2. Our Christmas play is Dec. 14 at 1 pm and our entire school is coming to watch. Parents are encouraged to come. We are hoping that one parent for each student will be able to attend. We recognize the difficulty for some schedules, and we will be video taping and sending the link to those who are unable to make it. 3. There is no blue folder going home this week. The blue folder will be sent home again next week. 4. Please bring in a pair of head phones soon

Nov. 22

Homework: 1. Vocab Quiz - Friday on "im" and "in" prefix words. The prefix means "not." 2. Unit Test on Fractions on Friday. 3. Fraction Robot Assignment. There is a handout for this and it is due on Wednesday 4. Script Memorization for actors Other: 1. Headphones. Please bring in a pair of headphones as soon as possible
Senior students from Kamloops School of the Arts play writing and drama course came down to help us with our script. What a productive afternoon; the students learned a ton! Homework: 1. Vocabulary words - "im" and "in" prefix words. Quiz next Friday. 2. Home Reading 3. Math Unit Test on Fractions is next Friday. Seek help at lunch from me if you need it!


Homework: 1. Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow - "ir" prefix words. Commonly misspelled words are eighth and believe. 2. Math Quiz - Fractions tomorrow. Students should know how to create equivalent fractions, add and subtract like fractions, add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators, create improper fractions, create mixed numbers, add and subtract fractions with whole numbers, and reducing fractions to their lowest terms. Other: 1. KSA's senior play writing and drama students are coming in tomorrow to work with our class on our Christmas play! 2. Students need to be getting their costume organized and have it at school next Monday.

Nov. 16

Homework: 1. Math worksheet. There was a copy handed out to each student. These questions are due tomorrow. 2. Vocabulary quiz on "ir" words are on Friday. 3. Script practice 4. French Letter Actions practice for Tuesday Other: December 6 - Christmas concert. A notice went home yesterday with information about our play. December 5 - No School December 9th - KSO Concert - Some permission slips were already due and several still need to be handed in.
Homework: 1. Vocabulary - "Ir" words: Test is Friday 2. Math fraction quiz is Friday 3. French letter actions - practice for Tuesday 4.

Nov. 9

Homework: 1. Just vocabulary. Quiz tomorrow on "il / ill" words. Other: 1. Art Cards went home today. 2. Remembrance Day Assembly is tomorrow at 10:45 3. No school on Friday

Nov. 8

Homework : 1. Vocabulary 2. Reading for 20 -30 minutes 3. French Alphabet signing Other : 1. KSO field trip forms due back this ASAP! 2. Clothing orders due Monday. Samples are at the office to try on


Homework: 1. Vocabulary: "il/ill" - meaning "not" words. Commonly misspelled/used words are: calendar and conscientious. Other: 1. Purdey's forms went home today. 2. Students should be working on their costumes

Nov. 3

Homework: 1. Study for Unit Test in Decimals 2. Egypt Map and Questions - Their is a worksheet and a number of reference maps with this. 3. Math 3.8 and Test Prep Questions

Nov. 2

Homework: 1. Study for Decimal Unit Test - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and BEDMAS 2. Egyptian Map and Questions 3. Current Events - New Story for this week. Other: 1. Book Fair is on. Pay for books tomorrow. Students previewed their books today.

Nov 1

Homework: 1. Decimal Unit Test on Friday 2. Egypt Map is due Friday. Egypt map also has questions that students must answer using a number of different maps. 3. Current Events - due Thursday. Some class research time was given. Students needed to find a local problem or issue and report on it. Other: 1. Costumes have been assigned to a number of parts. Please speak to your child about their part and what our costume plans are for their part.

Acting Workshop from Chimera Theatre

Mr. Andrew Cooper came by to give us some tip on creating our play.
Math Fun a few weeks ago! Learning BEDMAS


Hi Everyone, I have not assigned any homework this weekend. Students have just finished a number of big projects and we are just starting our new ones. I will be encouraging students to practice their math for our up coming unit test on decimals next Friday. I did not send home the blue folders either. We will not have any homework on Monday, as it is Halloween. We will be back to our regular routines on Tuesday. Have a great weekend!

October 24

Homework: Socials Project is due tomorrow! This is the Mesopotamia project. Vocabulary - Current Events - A local problem. This week students will be looking for a news story that is local to our community. Our class is looking for a problem or an issue of concern. 5 Ws (Who, What, When, Where, Why)

October 20

Homework: 1. Finish Lap book Nervous System Science project. This is due on MONDAY!!! Late projects will be completed over lunch hour. 2. Mesopotamia project is due TUESDAY. 3. Summary in writing is Tuesday. No school tomorrow! Have a great weekend!

October 19

Homework: Decimal Quiz - October 20 Lab Book - Final Due Date is moved to Monday. Those not finished will be in at lunch to finish.  Vocabulary Quiz - Corp Words. Worksheet for three of the words is due Thursday. Mesopotamia Project is due Tuesday  Other: 1. Eagle Bay deposit are now due. This deposit is $40 and secures your spot. 2. No School Friday 3. Valleyview Basketball Camp Nov. 5 - $15 and the form went home today.

October 18

Homework: Decimal Quiz Thursday (multiply, divide, add, subtract) Nervous System Lab Book project is due Thursday. Mesopotamia Project is Due Tuesday, October 25. Vocabulary - Corp words are Thursday. Other: 1. Grade 7s - Eagle Bay deposit of $40.00 2. No School Friday

October 17

Homework: Vocabulary - Corp Words, meaning body. Math Quiz on Decimals - Thursday Science Projects - Lap Book is due Thursday Mesopotamia Project is due next Tuesday. Other: No School on Friday Eagle Bay deposit for grade 7s ($40)

October 6

Homework: 1. Weekly Review #4 2. New Vocabulary - We are working on the Latin Root "Acu" meaning smart. 3. Math 3.3/3.4 4. Paragraph 4 - Human paragraph 5. Science Project- Nervous System Lap book. Handout given to students Other: 1. Pictures are due Tuesday 2. Gr.7 Hoody Order form is due Tuesday 3. Parent Teacher Interviews - October 12 and 13. Super Student this week was Christopher with an honorable mention going to Zachery! Winning Table this week was Table 3! Students sporting our Brains! M rs. Ross was in this week to help with our new student websites! Each student will keep a personal website with their work this term. We will have a showcase evening at the end of the term!

October 6

Homework: 1. Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow -"Fin" - Meaning End 2. Unit Test in Math 3. Home Reading 4. Shark paragraph - good copy Other: 1. Hot Lunch tomorrow! 2. Bring Ice Cream buckets for Ms. Fletcher!

October 5

Homework: 1. Vocabulary Quiz Friday 2. Math Unit test - Friday 3. Shark paragraph - New write as well as original paragraph must be handed in 4. Current Events - Thursday. Please use the new worksheet. 5. Reading 4 times per week Other: 1. Parent Teacher Interviews - Early Dismissal on October 12 and 13. 2. Leadership Applications are Due October 14 3. Hot Lunch is Friday - New orders are due then also.
Homework: 1. Math 3.2 / Unit Test / Math Journal is Due Friday for assessment 2. Home Reading - Students will find a hook that they found interesting in their reading this week. 3. Shark Paragraph is due Friday 4. Current Events is Due Thursday 5. Vocabulary Quiz is Friday We are currently working on a Science project and a project for Mesopotamia. These are not homework but are apart of our new project based learning assignment.  Other: 1. Parent Teacher interviews next week. Make sure you sign up for a time. When parents come, I would like them to bring their child's blue weekly folder, their self assessment for effort, and their intern report. These forms will be available Monday. 2. Tutoring will happen tomorrow at lunch

Sept 30

Homework: Math Weekly #3 New Vocabulary - This week we are learning the Greek/Latin Root word "Fin" Students have generated a list of ten of their own words. Miss used words this week are "whether" and "weather" Home Reading Current Events Math Unit Test October 7 Other: 1. Parent/Teacher Interviews Oct 12-13
Parents sign up for parent teacher interviews. Link on Blog or Dallas website. Homework: 3 Column Notes for Mesopotamia Science Booklet - Catch me if you can lab and questions. 1.6/1.7 Math Vocab quiz is tomorrow Other: 1. Leadership form is going home today. 2. Current Events worksheet is coming home today. They have one week to complete. 3. Home Reading Log is going home today. Please return in one week. 4. Magazine Orders are going home

Parent Teacher Interviews Link

Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held October 12 and October 13. Simply click the link below to sign up. There will be a link on the Dallas homepage as well. If you are unable to make one of those times, please email and we can arrange another time. Thank you! Link:

September 28

Homework:  Homework: 1. "Ful/Full" Vocabulary. We generated a list of words ending in "ful" or "full" and students had to choose ten that were at their level. The commonly misused words for this week are "principle" and "principal" New words come home Friday. 2. Zentangle leaf drawing is due Friday.4 3. Home reading. Students will be reading four times per week for 20-30 minutes. A weekly sheet will be coming home Friday and will stay in their duo tang for parent signatures once per week. 4. Math Unit test is October 7 Other: 1. Students are completing their district Non-Fiction Reading Assessment this week. Once marked they will come home to see how they did. 2. Math help. I began my once a week group tutoring sessions and a number of students came in. If your child is struggling in Math it would be a great time to get extra help. Also, the Khan Academy website has many great step by step videos that can help students u...

Sept 22

Homework: 1. Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow 2. Math Quiz tomorrow Other: 1. 80s outfit for Terry Fox run 2. Meet the Teacher Night - 6pm. Please enter in the parking lot by the gym.

September 20

Homework: Math: 1.3 and board questions. Quiz on Thursday Socials: Mesopotamia mapping questions (Pg 1) Science questions from the reaction lab Vocabulary quiz Thursday Other: Meet the Teacher night is from 6-7 pm Terry Fox Run is Thursday. Toonies for Terry is being collected

September 19

Homework: Vocabulary Quiz Thursday Math quiz is Thursday X Table Practice Current Events  Other:  Meet the Teacher is September 22 at 6:00 Terry Fox Run is September 22 (Toonies for Terry) No School Friday
Homework: 3 Column Notes - pg 54-56 of the Literacy Book. 1.2 Math Sheet and Weekly Review Paragraphs Other: Terry Fox Run - 80s outfit Meet the Teacher Sept 22 No School on the 23

September 15

Homework: X Table Review Math 1.1 and 1.2 - Quiz next Thursday Literacy pg 28. 3 Column Notes Vocabulary work Mesopotamia Mapping Assignment Other: 80s Outfit for Terry Fox Run Shhhhhhh! Meet the Teacher Night Sept 22 at 6pm Pro-D is September 23 = No school Terry Fox Run is Sept 22. Toonies for Terry and a bright neon outfit! Newsletter for Grade 7s went home today regarding the year end trip!
Homework: X Table Practice Vocabulary Words up to number five Math 1.1 Math Quiz on Sept 22 Current Events Up coming : Terry Fox Run September 22 - REMEMBER TO FIND 80s OR NEON CLOTHES FOR THE RUN!. Prizes for the best costume. Meet the Teacher Sept 22. Non-Instructional day is Sept 23

September 13

Homework: Math X Table practice Vocabulary List Practice First Math Quiz Sept 22. Up-Coming Dates: Terry Fox Run on Sept 22. We collecting  Toonies for Terry again this year. Meet the Teacher Night is Sept 22 from 6pm - 7pm Sept 23 is a Pro - D day so there is no school. Parent Teacher Interviews will be held October 12 and 13. Ice Cream tomorrow and Thursday at lunch for $2.00

September 9

Homework: Sound Track for Summer Assignment Multiplication Table Other: School Photos - September 13th Pro - D September 23 - No School Gym strip and propper footware Meet the Teacher will be September 29th


The End of Year is Near! Dates to remember: June 22 is the Gr.7 BBQ June 24 is Fun Day. Grade 6/7 students will be able to sign up to run a station. June 27 is the field trip to the Brock Pool. Students will need to pack a lunch for this. June 28 is the Gr.7 water slide day. June 29 is the last day of school. This is a half day and their is a year end assembly that day. Students are encouraged to start sorting through their things and binning some of their things home.  Also, students have finished their year end exams and will be bringing these home. Students have already received their math exam back and I am quite pleased with their results! Their exam in writing will be available early next week.
Up-Coming Events 1. Gr.7s to Valley View Secondary is tomorrow, June 8th. 2. June 24th is Fun Day at the School and Hot Dog Day. 3. June 27th is the trip to Brock Pool. 4. June 28th the Gr.7s to the Water slides in Vernon. 5. June 29th is the last day of school and it is an early dismissal day as well as the year end assembly. Homework: We are done with regular homework for the year. Students are expected to be preparing nightly for the final exams in Math and Language Arts. Students will  be given 1.5 hrs for each but students will likely finish in 45-60 minutes. Math Final = June 13 Language Arts = June 14

May 19

We will be starting our Family Life unit next week. Forms will be coming home next week. Homework: Face on a Milk Carton Chapter 17-18 questions Math 7.3 Current Events and NGO - Red Cross Newspaper Assignment Up-Coming Events: Zone Track Day is May 24 Sunny Brae is May 30 - June 1 Grade 7 waterslides is June 28. Golf is June 7th. Brock Pool trip is June 27

May 10

Homework: Math questions from the board Paragraph using punctuation types. This is on Google Classroom and should be submitted through there. Punctuation sentences. These are to be submitted through Google Classroom. There is an Algebra quiz this Friday. Punctuation Quiz this Thursday. Track day is tomorrow!! Please come prepared for any weather condition. Students are expected to try their best! 

May 5

Track and Field is tomorrow; students need to come prepared. If a student is unable to participate in Track, I will need a note. I have spoken to a couple of parents already. Unless I have a note, students will participate. Sunnybrae forms and fees are due tomorrow. Students who have not paid there fees or who have not handed in their forms will lose their spot. It would be unfortunate if this were to happen.  Homework: Novel Study Ch 13 &14 Questions Punctuation Quiz is next Thursday. Math 9.5/9.6 and Weekly Review #17 Up-Coming Events May 11th is our School Track meet! May 16th is a Pro-D day. May 30-June 1 is our Sunnybrae field trip. June 7th is our Golf field trip to Rivershore June 27 is our Brock Swimming pool field trip and picnic June 28th is our awards assembly. June 29 is the last day of classes and this is a half day.

May 3

May 4 Forms and Sunnybrae are due this week. Please get those in as soon as possible! Smoothie Sale tomorrow and Thursday - Smoothies are $2.00  Novels Chapers 12 and 13 read for tomorrow. Newsletters went home today. Weekly Review #17 is due tomorrow.  Statistics projects and presentations are due tomorrow. Poetry projects were due a long time ago now and there are a few students have yet to hand them in. All students with outstanding work will be sent to homework club over the next few days. 

April 28

Hi Everyone, Today I sent home all of the Sunnybrae forms; the forms and any payments must be returned by Friday, May 6th. The reason for this is that I must have all of the payments and forms in to Sunnybrae two weeks prior to out arrival. I have also included our itinerary for our trip. Tomorrow is our second track rotation and students need to bring their gym strip. There has been a few people who have come unprepared for the day. Statistics project presentations will be on Monday. Groups must have all of their tables and charts ready for sharing. Face on a Milk Carton storyboard has been started. Up-Coming Inspire from TRU will be working with students tomorrow morning. May 11 is our school track meet. Sunnybrae is Monday, May 30 - June 1

April 14

Congratulations to our fundraisers in our Swimathon! All students participated and represented our School very well! Some students managed to raise their entire trip costs! Homework: 1. Poetry Project is due Monday. 2.  Statistics quiz is Friday. Students must demonstrate understanding of means, medians, modes, ranges, and outliers. 3. Students are working on a data collection project in small groups. This will be due April 22. Students are expected to work through google docs so they can share their work with the other members of the group. 4. 14 questions should be generated for chapters 3 and 4 from our novel study Face on a Milk Carton. 5. Science drawing for an atom are now due. 6. Social Studies questions from the United Nations are now due. 7. YPC Field Trip is tomorrow. Up-Coming: 1. April 18th is a pro-d day and there is no school. 2. April 20th is Parloff at Dallas. 3. April 27 McGowan Parloff 4. April 28 Westsyde Drama Production: The Diary of Ann...
Tomorrow is our Swimathon! Please make sure to bring in your forms, money, and permission slips. You will also need a swim suit and towel. Tomorrow there will be an ice cream sale at lunch. One $2.00 cone per person. Homework: 1. Math pg 350-351. Weekly review #15 is due Weds and there is a Statistics quiz on Mean, Median, Mode, and Range on Friday. 2. Science. Proton, Electron, and Neutron diagrams are due Weds. Other: 1. YPC is Friday 2. Parloff is April 20 3. Track Meet is May 11 4. Anne Frank is April 28. 5. April 18 is a Pro-D Day. 6. Sunnybrae is May 30-June 1.

March 16

St. Patrick's Day tomorrow so wear green! The Intermediate Dance is tomorrow after lunch. It is a toonie to get in. Other activities will be available in the library for anyone who doesn't want to attend the dance. Homework: 1. Integer board games need to be finished if they are not yet done. 2. Lightning Thief Ch 17-18 questions and activity need to be completed. We will finish reading the novel this week. Other: 1. Swimathon is set for April 12 in the morning. Students are encouraged to get out their and get some pledges. Some students have received close to $100 already!
SWIMATHON Swim A Thon forms went home today! Students needs to go around with their pledge sheets and collect donations. Our swim is set for April 12 and every dollar raised will go directly towards their Sunny Brae fees. Their forms were put inside a labelled Ziploc bag that has their name on it. The forms are due back first thing April 12. Students created a speech with information that they can give when they knock on doors. Good Luck! Homework : Lightning Thief Ch 10-11 were due today. Students were to have read Ch 12-13. We will be starting Ch14-16 tomorrow. We will finish the novel by spring break. Math Weekly review #14 is due next Tues. The Integer questions were due today. Science Ch11 notes on robotic technologies are due tomorrow. Aboriginal/Indigenous people from extreme environments was due today. Up-Coming Events: Brain Injury presentation is coming Thursday afternoon. Western Canada Theatre is Thursday morning Trade presentation is coming April 29 Spring ...

March 7

Homework: Science pg 214-215 notes Personal Narrative Paragraph-sibling topic with a focus on voice. Lighting Thief, read up to Ch 14. Art Assignment Due Friday Other: Fundraiser for Sunny Brae will begin this week. Students will be bring a fundraising package for our Swim-A-Thon. We will be swimming on April 12 at the YMCA. Students will be taking pledges for the next few weeks. This will be a good opportunity to raise a great chunk of the money towards their trip!
Homework: 1. Chapter 8 & 9 are already due. Students should be working on Ch 10& 11 2. Socials Project Exhibition is Thursday. Try-A-Trade forms are overdue Gr.6s!!!

Feb. 29

Homework: Probability unit test tomorrow. Chapters 8 & 9 questions from the Lightning Thief. Ancient Rome Project Exhibition is Thursday. Other: Try-A-Trade for Gr.6's Friday at TRU. Make sure to have your forms in!

Feb. 24

Homework: 1. Lightning Thief chapters 6/7 Questions 2. French test and questions Other: 1. Try A Trade forms for grade 6 students need to be signed and returned. 2. Report Cards will be issued the last week before spring break.

Feb. 23

In honour of anti-bullying week, it's Pink Shirt day tomorrow! Homework: 1. Probability Unit Test is next Tuesday. 2. Poetry Booklets are due tomorrow. 3. Lightning Thief Ch 4-5 questions are due tomorrow. 4. Ancient Rome Project Exhibition is March3. There will be no vocabulary work. We have a lot going on in the classroom right now.

Blog Update! Feb. 16

Hi Everyone, I am so sorry for such a long pause on my blog! I have been so busy these past two weeks but I guess who isn't :) Important Dates: Skating tomorrow! Don't forget your skates and helmets! Speed Control is here on Thursday. This is a special presentation from the NHL! Friday is a Pro-D day and there will be no school. Homework: Students should continue to work on there Ancient Rome projects. These have been developed by the student with support/consultation with me. These are projects that are to be creative and use each student's interest and skill set. There will be no essay/report but students are expected to have some print out information on their topic to explain in our exhibition style presentation. Many students have come up with some amazing projects and they should feel very proud of themselves. Math. There will be a quiz on probability next Monday. Students are aware of the key terms and concepts that are on our Math word wall. Students a...
Homework: 1. Vocabulary. Students must know how to use the words in a sentence this week. We are working the root word "acu." 2. Students should generate a project of interest for ancient Rome. I will be working with each student to create a project that suits their interests and skills. 3. Writing. Students are working on a multi paragraph assignment on a job they would want in their future. Up-Coming 1. Parent /Teacher Interviews are Friday, February 5th. I encourage everyone to come and see how their child is doing. This will be an open house type structure and I will visit with each parent in the order they come. The interviews will be held from 1:00-3:30. It will also be a half-day at school.

Jan. 25

Homework: Percent unit test is tomorrow Vocabulary Test is Friday Tree painting Multi-Paragraph Writing assignment - Future Job Autobiography project - Overdue Tubing is this Friday, please bring a helmet!!
Homework: Spelling/Vocab: We are continuing to work on Latin/Greek roots. This week we are looking a "spec" - meaning "to look." Math: Make sure that all Math Journals are up-to-date. A list of concepts were put on the board. Autobiography project. Final due date is Jan. 28 as they are due to be sent out to the publisher. Persuasive Paragraph good copy is to be completed and turned in for Tuesday. Students must also submit their planning work. Up-Coming Dates: Skiing on Jan. 19 FSA - Jan 21-28 Pro-D is Jan. 22 YPC is Feb. 12 Skating is Feb. 8 I will be working on a newsletter to send home this week. This will outline all we have covered in Dec and Jan as well as let you know what we will be learning in the near future.

January 14

Homework: Weekly review #10 - is overdue Persuasive Writing - Rough Draft Up-Coming Dates: Skiing Jan 19 Skating is Feb 2nd YPC Feb 12 FSA Gr.7s only is Jan 21-28. Important Info: 1. FSA letter went home to parents today. 2. Students who are concerned about their devices being monitored or tracked by the school etc... do not need to be worried. The IP address is simply needed to provide wifi access to the student. Students are excpected to comply to the school district's policy around technology devices. An additional newletter outlining the policy and device usage will be sent home soon.

Jan. 12

Skiing is tomorrow! It is going to be a great time! Please make sure that you arrive on time. If you are brining in your ski/snowboard gear I will let you in early. Also, remember to arrange a ride home as we will be arriving back shortly before 4:00pm. Homework: Math 4.5 and Weekly Review #10 is due Thurs. Persuasive Writing planner is due on Thurs. Comparative writing assignment was due Friday and a there are a number of lates on this. Front cover of the Autobiography project. Other: We ski again next week on the 19th and are still looking for a few drivers to helps us out.

January 7

Homework: Math 4.4 due tomorrow. Weekly review #10 is due Jan. 14. Compare/Contrast Paragraph - Rough Draft Due Friday Morning. Autobiography Project  and personal photos uploaded and shared to Mrs. Mangell Spelling - words and meanings Students are working on two projects right now. The first one is an Autobiography that they will turn into a hard-copy book that will be published. They are encouraged to find pictures from their childhood or sport teams etc... and share them through their google accounts for me to print off. Next, students are working on a school community projects called "Intermediate Games." Students will be working in their groups to host two activities that students in intermediate grades will compete in over a seven week period. Our first ski day is next Weds and that is very exciting. We will not arrive at the school until later that day, so students need to arrange rides.

January 6

Homework:  Math pg 4.2 and 4.3 Spelling Home Reading Autobiography project Posters for Intermediate Games Up-Coming Events: Jan 13 - Skiing at Harper Jan 22 - Pro-D

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break! We are already working hard and we have a number of projects on the go. I should let you know that I am know teaching Math to the grade 6s and 7s. Also, the FSA test is this month for the grade 7s and more information will be coming home about this next week. Should you have any concerns please feel free to email me or contact me at the school. Homework: 1. Students are working on 15 spelling words. We are working on words with Greek and Latin roots. This week we are looking at the root "form." 2. Students are creating a Venn diagram and list for a compare/contrast paragraph. This is due tomorrow and the final product will be finished this Friday. 3. In Math, students should be working on their multiplication table but the class will be working on Percents.  4. Students are working on a school community project called "Intermediate Games" and an individual book project where we are working on au...